Sunday, September 13, 2015

Good vs Evil

If everything was set in stone, black and white, the world would be a much much much simpler place. Sadly, that is not the case. Most of the guidlines and regulations in today's society are gray, and apply to some people less than others, or can be bent or changed a little bit. That is just the standard for today's modern society. 
i believe that there is good and i believe that there is evil. However, i also believe that my perception of what is evil is different than your perception of what is evil. Everyone's views and beliefs are different and that's why there are always disagreements to some degree.
However, i do not believe that the gray area has always been the same. I am a firm believer in christ and a faithful christian. In the bible, God created the earth, and it was good. And he filled the earth with animals of all types and shapes and sizes, and it was good. Finally, God created man, and it was very good. The fallen angel, Lucifer (satan), is present throughout the bible, and tempts others to sin, and that is evil. All sin is evil and punishable by death. However, that is much different from todays adapted modern society. I believe it is very hard to define good and evil for everyone, seeing as everyone is different.

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