Sunday, September 6, 2015

How Technology Is Basically Keeping Me Alive

When I start to think about my life without technology it is probably the most terrifying thing imaginable. The number of things I use it for on a regular basis is amazing though. My phone contains music, a map, a camera, a calculator, a calendar, an endless supply of information, and so many more applications I could not even begin to explain. My computer has all of that and even more. I am aware that some people think that technology is too advanced and is going to take over the world, and some other people think that we should use technology every second of every day for everything. I disagree with both.

I believe that technology is helpful. The fact that I can talk to a person in Guatemala or Germany in a matter of seconds is quite impressive. I could find the lyrics to any song I want just by googling it. If I get lost, there is a satellite in space that will tell me where I am. Technology is an impressive thing and I can honestly say that I have no idea how it is even a thing. But yet it is a thing, and it is a thing that basically keeps me from starving.

Let me elaborate on that last statement so you will understand that I am not exaggerating too much. Both of my parents' work relies in technology. My mom teaches it, and my dad manages computer systems for other companies. I understand that even without technology they would find another job, but it is way more interesting to put it this way. Technology basically puts food on my table.

When I don't have my phone with me, I feel like I'm on a deserted island. I don't have the resources I usually do to make my life easier. If I was lost, I would actually have to ask a human for directions. If I needed to calculate the acceleration of gravity towards earth, I would have to carry a calculator with me everywhere I went. If I forgot what day it was or what time it was, I couldn't just look at my phone, I would have to carry a calendar with me and wear a watch. The list could go on forever. The fact that I feel this hopeless without my iPhone really makes me curious to life without it.

I  could go on to describe how I think my life would be without technology but why should I try to explain something that I don't understand? I enjoy the fact that I can google random facts on the internet and take advantage of all of the unique apps people have made. I enjoy the wonderful thing that is technology.

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