Sunday, September 13, 2015

"Beyond Good & Evil 2" Nietzsche's revenge- Evan Hays

The Webster's English Dictionary defines good as, "of favorable character or tendency". Evil is defined as, "morally reprehensible". This seems to offer a simple clarification of what good and evil are, but it lends very little to our actual understanding of both these concepts in their fundamental connotation as well as what they mean to us as humans. One can argue that good and evil are concepts based on basic human morality, what is good is what is "moral" what is evil is "not moral". However, exploring this further reveals that the definition of "moral" is simply "what is ethical". Delve deeper, and you find the definition of "ethical" to be "of or related to ethics". The clear cut divide between good and evil, between black and white is now seeming a lot wider and a lot grayer. The simple fact is that with no widely accepted idea of what IS right and what IS wrong, any culture has no actual moral edge in the debate of good and evil. Furthermore, as discussed in "Beyond Good and Evil" by the renowned nihilist Fredreich Nietzche, all conceptions of good and evil can essentially be represented by one humans experiences. In a sense, my good versus your evil is the same as your good versus my evil, and in essence is a fundimental debate over whose lifetime experiences are more "comprehensive" and "true", which are two concepts that can only be described as equally ambiguous.

Good and evil from a moral perspective then, is inherently subjective to any persons beliefs and experiences, so much so that during times of moral unrest, people who are and were on "the good side" begin to make extremely "bad guy" decisions. Need we look further than Luke almost killing his father and fulfilling the cycle of hatred in Return of The Jedi, or even the unconstitutional treatment of inmates related to terror cells in Guantanamo bay. Therefore I have concluded that what is "moral" is to go through life making decisions that benefit yourself and the evolutionary survival of your species. In short, don't be a dick and stay out of my business unless it involves the whole human race.

People will argue that I'm unqualified to create a moral system, and they may be correct, I'm only 4 days past 17. But then again, Alexander the Great was master of all Greece at a year younger than I and Master of the World when 10 years older. Age is a useless assessment of character, character is a useless assessment morality. In the end life is a short commodity and a fine opportunity, so let's not try and live it correctly, let's start living it fully.

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