Monday, September 14, 2015

Assignment 4: A World in Pictures

On Monday morning, you could have stood on the top level and witnessed the beautiful eccentrics of New York city. On Tuesday morning, you would have run in horror.The two tallest buildings in New York City fell on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 and because of the consequential pain and destruction, America would forever be changed.
On September 11, the majority of the nation watched in horrific silence as they saw the pictures of chaos.
This picture from New York Magazine marked the start of a new era for America.
Pictures show us what we cannot know first-hand. They can make a statement or argument. They can educate on the reality of the world. They can change how a person thinks about an idea or event. This week, find a picture that shocked, comforted, or changed a nation or community of people (falling of Berlin wall, JFK assassination, etc.)
Include your picture, a description of it, and what it provokes you to think about in your blog.
If you're facing writer's block, consider the following:
What happened just before the photograph was taken?
How do the people in the photograph feel?
What is happening outside the frame of this photograph?

Due Sunday, September 20th at 11:59 pm.

1 comment:


    Nirvana. Ask anyone and most all will at least have heard of them. Kurt Cobain was a legend in his time, some called him a God. Kurt was at the prime of his life. He had millions of followers, and he was loved in his community. As the lead singer of Nirvana, he was taking them to the top. He was recently married to Kourtney Love, a power rock couple of the time. Kurt had the world bowing at his feet. Then, things all fell apart. Kurt fell heavily into drugs. Soon, he was sent to rehab. Kurt escaped the rehab and flew home. Soon after, Kurt was found dead, shot in the head, in his home. The verdict: suicide. The world stopped for a moment that day. With him was found a suicide not, and drug paraphernalia. The entire rock community, and all those close to it, were shocked. People said Kurt was such a happy person, and he was ontop of the world. Was he hiding his depression and suicidal thoughts from everyone? or, was there more to the story? To this day, some believe that former Wife Kourtney Love was the true reason behind Cobains death. It is said that Kurt was ready to divorce Kourtney, and strange evidence, most prominently her hiring of a PI to watch cobain, lead Cobains fans to believe it was kourtneys greddiness that killed the rock legend. The death of Kurt Cobain Rocked the world the, and it still Rocs the world today.


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