Sunday, September 6, 2015


At this exact second, billions of people around the world have their eyes glued to some sort of screen, whether it be a phone, a television, an Ipod, a laptop, anything! There have been so many positive inventions and ideas come from new technology. There have been so many new ways to communicate and express one's self. There have been so many ways to create art, photos, and videos to share with the world. BUT, there has been so many downfalls as well.

Technology has specifically hurt me a few times. People need to understand how and when to use the technological world we have at our finger tips.  I've used technology in ways that harm myself and others time and time again, yet I'm learning as I go through life. Most of the messes I've created with technology are miscommunications with friends or family that can cost me a relationship that I treasured.  That's the trouble with texting-- people don't know how to exactly to read a text... are they being sarcastic? Are they joking? What exactly does "K." mean? Texting can be very deceiving, and it has ruined society's means of communication.  The most important conversations we have in life shouldn't be through a screen, it should be face to face. I want to hear the words come from their mouth, see the look in their eyes and face as I talk to someone. That's how you can understand one truly. Now I know I am just as guilty as many about texting things I don't mean or reading a text the wrong way, but it's a working progress. But it's inexcusable the amount of fights and bullying occurs over the internet.  People "subtweet" others and bully others through text and social media all the time, but just know that they will eventually get punished. Relationships are crushed, and bullying can be considered a crime in many cases. 

Another harmful effect of technology is major addiction. My brother is so addicted to technology, and I'm being completely serious. We try to give him a time limit, but when time's up you cannot physically pry him of the stupid wii or whatever he's on. And when we finally punish him, he will cry and whine until the sun don't shine no more. It's a serious addiction, and many studies have shown that it simulates the same part of the brain as drugs do. It's so unhealthy, and a huge waste of time for many. I don't want half of my life to be spent behind a glowing screen. I want my life to be lived out in the world experiencing the beautiful wonders all around me in person. I want to get to know people face to face, not through typed words. I want life to be as real as can be. 

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