Sunday, September 13, 2015

Good vs. Evil

As a strong  believer in Christianity, I definitely believe there is absolute good and absolute evil. These two things being God and sin (which comes from Satan, the ultimate evil in this world). In the very beginning, when God created man and woman, we were created PERFECT, without flaw and without sin, in the image of God. Satan impacted the lives of Adam and Eve, causing them to sin against God, the ultimate good in the world. Because of this, man would forever be sinful, going against the will of God. Because we were created in the image of God, every single human being on this earth has the opportunity to be "good" and live a life that reflects God's. This can be done by believing the in the Gospel and inviting Christ into your life. Once this happens in one's life, one is allowed to live a life that reflects the good and perfect love of God.
This being said, every person is born into this world a sinner. And because of this, well, we sin. It's human nature. We screw up, we make mistakes, we say and do things we shouldn't. But that doesn't mean that God, the ultimate good, wont't forgive you for these things. Because he will. Without a doubt. Man chose to sin against God, and this was what created evil in the world.

There is definitely war between good & evil. God hates sin. That's the key right there. God hates the sin. But NOT the person. God loves everyone and He died for our sins. That is good. Christ died for us. Just like when we look at people who give up their own lives to save others. We look at them as heroes and being the good in the world. Same with Jesus Christ. HE died for US. Every. Single. Person. So that we could have eternal life with Him when we die. That is something good. Something beautiful. God doesn't want sin. God hates Satan. And Satan fights against God. He wants nothing more than to turn people away from the goodness that God has to offer. People can choose to sin. And just the same, people can choose to be good. Good is watching someone help out someone in need. Good is watching people love. Abundantly. Like God loves us. Evil is the people who kill without any justification. Evil is Satan, evil is sin.

There's not really a grey area. People choose for themselves to notice the good and evil. They intertwine in all together and make people seem 'just right.' People will always sin. But that doesn't mean they're evil. We have an opportunity to make the decision to be the "good" in the world. It's not till people understand that and make that decision for themselves that they will genuinely understand the ultimate good and evil in this world.

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