Sunday, September 13, 2015

Good vs Evil

Does good even exist without evil? And vice versa? I believe that each must exist for the other to exist. I also believe that there are good things and evil things. And that things can be good or evil to different degrees for different people. There is no defining either word because people have different minds and think different ways; most things can't be labeled by good or evil.

I feel that I have to point out now that I don't like the word "evil". When I think of evil I think about movie villains. People who have special powers and whose entire goal in life is to make others peoples life miserable. When in reality, there aren't actually villains in real life. There are cruel people, there are rude people, etc., but not evil people. I prefer the word "bad" when referring to the opposite of good.

What do you consider bad? Because I guarantee that your list would be fairly different than mine. Everyone had different opinions. To characterize something as bad or evil is extremely problematic. The act of killing another human being is seen as bad, yet countries have armies that give orders to kill people. Smoking weed is seed as bad, yet some doctors prescribe it for medical purposes. Christians believe that Satan is bad, yet there are people who worship him. The same idea can be applied for good. I might think that chocolate is good, but there will always be a person who hates it. One cannot simply call something good or evil without someone else disagreeing with them.

Throughout my entire childhood, like most children, where taught what was good and what was bad. Which to a point is necessary so children aren't running around with scissors or drawing on walls. But we also need to let people decide on there own what they consider good or bad. Times change. It used to be socially acceptable for a man to have more than one wife, and women used to be socially shunned for having a wife. If people didn't challenge what was considered good or bad, society wouldn't change.

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