Friday, October 2, 2015

Katie Demetriades Assignment 6: Create Your Own Adventure

Prompt 1: In case you missed it, recently, genius TV producer Dan Schneider uploaded a video to his YouTube channel entitled "What Did Zoey Say?" ( The video relates to an episode of his hit TV show Zoey 101 (which I was obsessed with and I hope you were too) where the group had to make a time capsule for a class, and main character Zoey made a video where she talked about her life at PCA. Love interest Chase really wanted to know what she said about him, but she told him he had to wait 10 years before he could know. The episode aired in 2005, meaning it's been 10 years, so Dan made this video to answer the question I've been asking myself for literally 10 years. However, the video was not completed and may have a part 2. How did you react when you heard about the video? Were you even expecting it? How did you feel about what Zoey said? Do you think a part 2 is coming?

Prompt 2: As juniors, we're all at the age where we can start driving, whether it be with a 21 year old licensed driver or by yourself. So what are your opinions on driving? Do you love it? Hate it? Do you find it to be easy or hard? Are you more worried about your own driving or the drivers around you? Do you think the roads aren't safe enough or too safe?

Prompt 3: The new iPhone 6s release is just around the corner, but there's not too many structural differences between it and the most recent iPhone 6. So why are so many people going to stand in line to get the new phone when they already have the 6? Are the iPhones actually that different from each other? If not, then why does Apple come out with a new phone every year? Do you think the constant updating of phones represents the wastefulness present in the world?

I am responding to Prompt 1 (clearly I show the most interest in the first prompt).

First of all, let me start out by saying this particular episode always bothered me because I, like Chase, always wanted to know what Zoey said. I shipped Zoey and Chase SO hard, and although I didn't think Zoey said anything about liking Chase in her video, I really hoped she did. The show has been off the air for several years now, and I have not actively followed the show since. But one day, I saw a post on Instagram saying it had been 10 years since the time capsule episode premiered, and it was time for Zoey to reveal what she said. I thought, "Wow, I'm so old! And that's so cool!" and moved on. THEN, my friend sent me a message with the video linked and when I first saw it, I didn't even realize what it was UNTIL I REALIZED THE GUY SITTING THERE WAS CHASE and then I remembered the Instagram post! Needless to say, I got pretty excited and was crushed when I found out the video was two parter with no part two released yet.

Also needless to say, I did not expect the video whatsoever, but I'm so excited that it exists. What Zoey said makes all my childhood dreams come true, which is why I desperately want a part two because I want to see her and Chase F I N A L L Y get together without any sort of long distance or interruptions. She laid out her emotions so perfectly and I just wish those could've been shown in the actual show. I do believe a part two is on its way because so many people are like me, and are dying to know what happens next in this never ending saga. Guess I have a new obsession on my hands...

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