Sunday, October 4, 2015

create your own adventure -catherine van tatenhove

Prompt 1: "Bigger than Us"- Some believe that although the human brain is capable of unimaginable feats, it isn't without its limits. This poses questions like how are some infinities bigger than other infinities, what is the biggest of the big and smallest of the small, or is time travel really possible through physics (interstellar sure seemed convincing, didn't it)? Elaborate on topics such as these that make your brain melt, and take a stab at the answers to the questions not even the world's best and brightest have been able to conquer.

Prompt 2: "Holy Ground"- Friendships and people cycle through our lives more often than we might admit or like. However, in rare cases there is a person who remains constant in your life, and it often slips our mind to appreciate the impact they caused on us. Write about an important person, who is still constant or was for a short profound time in your life, that changed your outlook on everything. And, remember just because the relationship ended badly, or is no longer at its strongest doesn't mean it was all in vain.

Prompt 3: "Needs"- In the video linked below Matthew McConaughey talks about the three things in his life he needs, someone to look up to, something to look forward to, and something to chase. What or who do you look up to, forward to, and chase, or do you need three different things entirely to keep you motivated day to day? Think about the most important aspects and people in your life to help you out if facing writers block.
Matthew McConaughey's Oscar Acceptance Speech 2014:

Prompt 2: On July 2nd, 2002 I moved to a neighborhood where my four year old brain assumed you had to be good and rich, when in reality our street was just named Goodrich Avenue, so neither the former nor ladder were accurate. That wasn't the only thing I misjudged either. My next door neighbor was my next misstep in the process of acclimating to my new home. She was essentially the ideal playmate, or so our mom's were convinced.

Unfortunately, I have a vivid recollection of twisting into a ball and sobbing after our first encounter. But, why? How could a little girl next door evoke such strong emotions from a four year old? The answer: her name. Catherine. Her name was Catherine Anne Donnelly spelled and said exactly like mine. And, apparently because these were the days before CVT the world was not big enough for both of us, let alone Goodrich Avenue.

Catherine Anne, now a senior at catholic, and I often rehash the details of that first day we met. Needless to say we became and remained best friends despite our rocky beginning. Now, 12 years later she is wrestling with decisions between Sanford and Taylor University for college, and the days where we were just a knock on the door away are long gone. But, I couldn't be more grateful that she has consistently been a positive personality in my life. However, I might be even more grateful I was able to move past the idea that someone having the same name as me meant any type of friendship between us was simply doomed.

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