Saturday, October 3, 2015

Create Your Own Adventure

Prompt #1:  Here in Kentucky, we have four distinct seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. If you could choose one season to live in for five years straight, what season would you choose? Why? Explain activities, traditions, holidays, weather, and other things that affect your decision.

Prompt #2:  My grandpa gave me this prompt: If you could un-invent one thing in society (make something disappear from everyone's possession and never have been made), what would it be? It can be any material thing. Explain why.

Prompt #3:  Pick a place where you've always dreamed of living. If you could live anywhere in the whole world, without money being an issue, where would you live? A few questions that you may use in your answer are the following: Would you stay in the country or leave? What city would you live in, and is it populated or a small town? Would you have a small house or a big house? Who would live with you?

Answer to Prompt #3:
If I could live anywhere in the whole world, I would live in Moorea, a part of the French Polynesian islands. If you don't know where this beautiful place is, look it up right now. In my eyes, it is the most beautiful place on the whole planet.
I've always wanted to live somewhere tropical. It's been my dream since I was very young. I love the waterfalls, mountains, and especially the ocean that Moorea could give me. I love hiking, white water rafting, swimming in the ocean, kayaking, and so many things that I could do on this island. I would love to go sky diving, learn how to surf, and go parasailing. Those are a few out of millions of things I've dreamed of doing, and Moorea would make this possible.
People living in the French Polynesian islands believe in easy, laid back lives. They're not obsessed with technology like the US is. In fact, many of Moorea's inhabitants don't even own TVs. They live so simply. I love their lifestyle. Many of them don't even have real jobs, they supply their own food with the gardens growing fruit and vegetables in their back yard year-round.  The islanders live in a way that most of the world has forgotten how to live-- they don't rush around frantically every day trying to get things done, they take it day by day and don't have a worry in the world.
This island doesn't have many inhabitants, and most of the ones living there speak English. I like a less populated area, just like this one. I would absolutely love to live in small, homey a bungalow near the water where I could see the ocean right outside my home. I wouldn't even need a car, I'd love to just bike where I need to go.
Honestly, nothing would be more beautiful than living in a warm, pacific island in the middle of the ocean. I wouldn't mind living far from home (sorry family), I just think starting a life on my own would be sweet. I love the weather and scenery a lot, but the culture and lifestyle is what I've fallen in love with the most over my hours of research. The people are friendly, the lives are simple, the activities are amazingly enjoyable, and the scenery is astounding.

Here's a picture of Moorea:

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