Friday, October 16, 2015

Katie Demetriades Assignment 8: "I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me"

Fears: sharks, wrecking my car, losing my mom, anything falling under the horror genre
Annoyances: the tongue clicking thing, people who interrupt others, yelling, talking/walking loudly while someone (specifically me) is sleeping, mean YouTube comments that have no substance (seriously, no one cares)
Accomplishments: made straight A's my whole life, getting several letters from colleges "interested" in me, passing my drivers test, getting through rough periods in my life
Confusions: why disease exists, why my dog always feels the need to play Frisbee every time he's outside
Sorrows: weight (!!!!!!!!!), why bad things seem to happen to me at the worst of times
Dreams: to be successful (whatever that means for me) and to be happy
Idiosyncrasies: needing things to be placed a certain way, getting anxious any time I am responsible for doing/saying something, colors associated with certain numbers, watching night routine videos even though I don't need to
Risks: riding roller coasters that make my mom cringe, some of my driving experiences
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: my former dog (then), my cell phone/my car (now) (SEE HOW MY DEMEANOR HAS CHANGED!)
Problems: anxiety (not professionally diagnosed with unexpected panic attacks anxiety, I just get nervous in situations I shouldn't be nervous about), expecting everyone to always get along and getting upset when people fight
Let's talk about my issue with people interrupting other people. When I was a little girl, I was extremely shy. That has stuck with me, but it has drastically improved since childhood. So during conversation with others, I never had much to say. So I never dealt with being interrupted. Now that I speak to people besides my mom and dad, I also have a lot more input on a subject. So the first time I was interrupted, I didn't know what to think. Is that actually a thing? Do people really stop someone in the middle of their story just because they don't want to hear about it? Is that not the rudest thing you can do socially? If you don't care, stop listening, that's fine. I can't control whether or not you care about what someone has to say. But don't sit there and start talking about something else just because you don't care. PLEASE. It's not even when it just happens to me, it angers me (on the inside) when I see it happen in other peoples' conversations, too. But it's not my business to say anything. Plus I would hate to interrupt them (tee hee). This is not directed at anyone in particular. Everyone interrupts other people. It's natural. I do it too sometimes, but I'm trying to be more self aware about it. And you should too. Okay, that's my rant for the day.

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