Sunday, October 25, 2015

What is it Good For? - Rachel Bragg

In my opinion, war is stupid. When did someone decide that the way to solve a conflict was through killing one another? Did a ruler of a group of people just decide, "I don't like them so I'm going to use pointy things to harm them," was a good way to ensure change? I just don't understand. When I think about how people actually take away other peoples lives for their country, I just can't image why it is a thing that has to happen. I'm not saying that soldiers defending out country is wrong, I just think it shouldn't be necessary. We should have to feel so threatened.

It is crazy that as we study world history, a majority of it is centered around conflict. I understand that people disagree, that is fine. I just wish that people hadn't looked to violence in early nations as a means of solving conflict, so that it wouldn't have been so engrained in the rest of world history. I hate to be that person that is always like "can we just be friends all the time without any fighting at all?" but that is honesty how I feel. I don't see the point in large scale fighting just to settle a disagreement between two groups of people.

(Also I am aware that many people may disagree with me, and I probably don't have a very popular opinion on the matter and that is fine.)

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