Saturday, October 17, 2015

I have never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me

Lately I've noticed little quirks about myself. The thing is that these quirks aren't necessarily good things. I've come to notice that I am indeed a germaphobe. I notice things that other people probably don't notice like for instance how dirty a gas pump truly is, so many people have touched that handle and then you go and use it and then afterwards you might go and eat chicken fingers with your dirty hands or bite your fingernails and get other people nasty germs in your system. After I use the gas pump I lather my arms and hands with hand sanitizer and then I clean the entire steering wheel.  I don't know what has made me like this because at home I can make my room so dirty but it doesn't bother me. 
    I'm writing this at my grandmas house and I hate even touching the doorknob of the bathroom. I people watch a lot too and I just see all the nasty things they do like for example picking their nose, not washing their hands, coughing and/or sneezing all over themselves. It actually makes me angry because I can't make myself touch anything let alone open a dang door, but it's also kind of a good thing because it protects me from excess germs. I can't stand when we're at the grocery store and my mom asks me to push the cart because I physically can't make myself do it just from the thought of the bacteria on the bar. 
  This does scare me a bit though because I'm afraid one day I'm going to be one of those people who has their own TV show about OCD and can't stand going out in public. There have been proven studies that children who are germaphobes do grow up to have certain problems. Other things do get me too though like little noises that people make, for example my mother chews her food the way normal people probably do but I cannot stand the sound she makes. It gets to the point where sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't block out the noise in some way shape or form. I have seen a girl on TLC who had a similar problem just more extreme and she could not stand the little ticks her mom had like the noise of the silverware on her plate. She couldn't even handle not being able to visibly see her mothers hands on the table and she would remind her by saying "hands" and her mom would show her her hands. I just really don't want to end up that severe with my Germaphobia habits and my Misophonia annoyances. 

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