Sunday, October 18, 2015

I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me -Hope Reed

Fears- not being able to live out my dreams/ living a "normal" life, losing friends, loneliness
Annoyances- racist people, judgmental people, pride
Accomplishments- I'm pretty sure I have the award least favorite/worst behaving kid in the family, made it through middle school, mediocre painter, mediocre runner, able to see the beauty in this world
Confusions- why college is so expensive and why scholarships/ full rides are so hard to get
Sorrows- my past was a little rough, fading friendships, low self esteem
Dreams- travel the world, live somewhere tropical, take risks, inspire people
Idiosyncrasies- constant day-dreamer
Risks- parasailing, jet skiing, adventuring through "no trespassing" property, roller coasters, cliff jumping, hopefully skydiving sometime in the future
Beloved processions- my friends (now), my artwork (now), my American Girl doll (then)
Problems- too hard on myself, don't compare to my straight-A brainiac siblings

I have pretty big dreams compared to most people my age. Most people that I know want to go to college, get a job, get married, and raise a family. 89% of people end up living in the city they were born in. I've lived in Kentucky my whole life. I've never been out of the country. I don't want to stay cooped up in one area for the rest of my life. I love Kentucky, and I think it's beautiful here, but I don't belong in this state forever. I want to travel the world and see the beautiful creations and sights around this gorgeous earth we live on. I honestly don't want to go to college, because I'll only be able to afford in-state tuition (wow!! yeah, I know all you smarties think I'm crazy, but I don't care). I don't think I can stand to waste my life in a place that I feel as if I don't belong in. I want to  fall in love with the earth. I want to live. I want to take risks and feel my heart race each and every day with a new thrill of a life time. I want to live near the ocean, I yearn for a life full of sandy clothes, salty smells, and sun-kissed skin. I want to be able to live to inspire others through my actions and words. I want to be able to awake to a beautiful sunrise over the ocean to paint. I want to feel the hot sand and cool, clear water against my skin each and every day. I don't want to live so that I waste my life stressing over whatever's next, whether it be college, or a job. I want to take life day by day, each day filled with exciting new adventures. At the moment, school consumes my life. My daily life is school, practice, homework, sleep. How dreadfully awful is that? I honestly can't stand where I am in life. All people care about is success, money, college, etc. I just want to live an exciting life in a place I love with people I love. I don't want to spend it caring only about money and success, because one day we're all going to die, and I can guarantee you that a life full of breath-taking sights, heart-pounding thrills, and unbreakable friendships will be much more satisfying than a life consumed in work and money ever will. I dream to live a life full of adventure.

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