Sunday, October 18, 2015

Assignment 8

Fears: Uncertainty

Annoyances: Hypocrites, ingratitude

Accomplishments:  5000th visitor in the HC library (can you believe it?! hear the excitement in my voice.) and I've been to over like 20 countries.

Confusions: world peace.

Sorrows; maintaining friendships, forgetting experiences & people

Dreams: full time ministry around the word someplace

Idiosyncrasies: people & Jesus lover. 

Risks: I've never really done anything super risky. 

Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: then: stuff in general (and the best stuff, too) now: relationships with everyone I love. 

Problems: work ethic. mine sucks to be honest.


I love to travel. I love to experience different cultures. I love people. I love meeting and loving new people in different cultures while traveling new places. My dream would be to do this for the rest of my life. But in addition to this, I'd love to share the wonderful story of Jesus to hundreds and thousands of people across the world who have no hope. Who have nothing. There are over 3 BILLION people who have never heard anything of the Gospel. Anything of a powerful God. Anything of a bigger purpose. I want that to change. As a Christian and a strong believer in the mission of Christ, my purpose in this world is far more than getting a good degree and making money. My purpose in this world is to share the message of Jesus Christ with the billions of people who have never heard. My actual goal (forgetting about money and reality and the actual requirements this would take) would be to start a non-profit organization that has bases in different countries all around the world. We would own facilities in a few countries that would include a church, a health center, and a school. We would bring in children that need a home. Almost like an orphanage, but not at all. We would teach these precious children about Jesus, and give them an education, and medical attention if needed. I would give up everything I had to make this work if I wasn't stuck in the entanglements of school and life and the reality I actually live in. But one day, that's what I'd hope to either start of be a part of. :) It would be so wonderful. And there would probably be a facility in Tanzania, in a little cottage on top of a hill that overlooks a sunflower field. How beautiful would that be. This world has so much to offer, and one day I hope to explore it all. 

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