Sunday, October 4, 2015

Create Your Own Adventure-Matthew Telfer

1) There has been a lot of recent controversy surrounding the Republican candidacy for President, especially around Donald Trump. He has been praised for his non-conventional political style yet he's angered millions for his views on immigration and border control. Explain if you would or would not vote for Trump in the upcoming primary, and describe what America would look like if he became President.
2) College athletes generate millions in dollars of revenue for universities all around the country. Yet many college athletes are unsatisfied with only receiving a scholarship to pay for college when they feel like they should be paid a stipend in return for their work outside of the classroom. Do you believe colleges athletes should receive a stipend or is a free education good enough?
3) Even though it may seem light years away, most of us will be holding jobs in the next 5-10 years. Describe your dream job and explain why it is your dream job. Also include your plan of action to reach this dream job.

UK basketball is a huge tradition in the commonwealth and will be for the immediate future. The players put in countless hours practicing, traveling and studying so they can get a chance to play professionally. According to a 2012 study, men's basketball produced an 8.2 million dollar profit yet none of that was put directly in the player's pockets.
I propose that we pay each college student-athlete $3,000 because I believe that playing a college sport is similar to holding a full time job. This plan may also reduce booster involvement in illegally recruiting players to their specific university because students would then have a reasonable amount of spending money and not look to boosters to get it. Again, my plan does not limit the stipend to just football, basketball, and baseball players, instead, it applies to every college athlete.

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