Sunday, October 11, 2015

On This Date Morgan Lakofka

Wednesday, September 23
This date marked the first day of fall. The first day of fall marks the start of flu season. The start of flu season means flu shots. Flu shots bring out my dark side. I loathe the start of fall solely because of flu shots. Some people would think this is an avoidable problem, just don’t get a flu shot, but you have not met my persistent mother. If I didn't get a flu shot I'm 100% sure she thinks I would turn into a disease infested zombie (another important date this week 10/11- season premiere of The Walking Dead). But the chances of me even getting the flu are slim to none and I'm confused of her fear of the flu. Will the flu eat me alive like my mother believes? Do flu shots even help? Do they actually keep you from getting the flu? Are they just conspiracy theories? Is the flu even real? I wouldn't know I've never had it, I've just heard of people having it.

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