Sunday, October 18, 2015

"I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me"-Matthew Telfer

Fears: dying at a young age, being unsuccessful in adulthood
Annoyances: selfishness, lack of caring, creating drama
Accomplishments: receiving a 5 on AP Psych, passing my drivers test
Confusions: why people make poor decisions in life
Sorrows: grandparent's death, Kentucky losing in Final Four(joking)
Dreams: to be accepted into med school, travel the world
Idiosyncrasies: hard work ethic, pretty good at ping pong
Risks: jumping off a cliff
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: my tennis racquet now, my dog then
Problems: procrastination

Everyone is annoyed by something. Yet nothing annoys me more than when people act like they don't care. It's when a person usually doesn't do as well as they thought they should've done on something, that they resort to the phrase "I don't care." I see it happen all the time in tennis. A player will lose and instead of accepting that their opponent was a better player, they blame it on the fact that they didn't try. Why even step on the court if you're not going to try.  If you accept the fact that you didn't play your best that day, it motivates you to go out and work harder the next day. Even Michael Jordan said, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." He is the greatest basketball player ever because he knew this one thing. There was no way he could've improved if he just attributed all his failures to not trying.

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