Sunday, October 4, 2015

Build a Prompt- Evan Hays

Prompt 1:"Defend yourself"- In this blog you will argue to prove that you are real. Since truly everything we know and have experienced is a construction of stimulus within our heads, its easy to make a case that this whole life of yours is imagined, maybe its a TV show, maybe its a delusion to cover up the mental stress from seeing your twin brother drown at age 4, maybe you ARE real. Now you must prove it.

Prompt 2:"Odin's Runes"- Words are, in truth, sounds we make to describe objects and actions in the world around us. Before Christianity was the largest religion in Europe there lived a group of people we know as "Vikings", who used Runic Words. Runes, the letters in the viking alphabet, were not only letters, but also words, and imbued with a sort of etheral power. For example, "Isa", the Viking word for Ice, was both used as a letter, but also in the religion of the Norse it had a spiritual connection to Ice. It represented the primordial force that is Ice. You will now create your own letter, symbol, or word, describe what it means, why it means that, and how you created it. It should be significant and represent something very big in concept. Do not disappoint Odin.

Prompt 3:"Mental Yoga"- The human mind is a nimble, if not inefficient thing. It can build a whole world that we experience in an instant. Some things though, it cannot understand fully. In this blog you will think of something that your brain cannot describe. For example, imagine describing color to a blind individual. How would you convey the vibrant flavors of orange and red to a person who never has or will actually see it. This is your task, stretch out the old neurons and take them for a mental jog. God knows all of the homework we're doing has made them fat and lazy.

Prompt 1:
I cant.
Like I amalgamated in my prompt, everything I know, understand, remember, or do, or have done, or will do, is purely my minds distillation of the world around me. I walk to school in the morning because my mind tells me I am. It could easily be a dream, writing this right now I may be tucked in snugly into my bed on Thursday evening (if only). All I can offer is the concession that other people think I'm real, but scarcely to groups of people believe the whole truth at once. So to answer this question I'll ask another question. I can't tell you that I'm real, I can tell you that I'm happy, and if enjoyment is in my mind, real or imagined, then why does reality matter?

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