Saturday, October 10, 2015

Assignment 7-Elle Ogden

September 23, 1925. A day that has changed the lives in some way or another of millions of people. This day was the birth of commercial airlines under President Hoover. This date is extremely significant because not only has it opened up so many doors for transportation around the world, but it has also caused horrible tragedies that have effected people who may have never stepped foot on a plane.
This development has created so many opportunities for people all over the world. Not only has it created numerous jobs, but it has given us the ability to go from one side of the world to the other, all in one day. Missionary work is possible because of September 23, 1925. Thousands of people have been able to receive aid from others who live across the world. Think about the Haiti earthquake. Missionaries spent months and months going to Haiti, bringing supplies, toys, clothes, water, food, money, the list goes on forever. None of those earthquake victims would have been able to rebuild and recover the way that they did if commercial airlines had not been created.
Commercial airlines connect people. You can be thousands of miles away from someone one day, and within a few hours be sitting across the table from them. It is just fascinating to me that just one idea could effect so many people for such a long period of time. And the best part is that commercial airlines have continually improved. They've become safer, more convenient, and even some have become cheaper.
Though there have been many benefits to September 23, 1925, there are also drawbacks. Commercial airlines have caused many tragedies and they have the ability to cause countless more. Commercial airlines are not directly responsible for these tragedies, but the lapses of security and safety have created large amounts of grief for thousands of people. 9/11 is probably the most devastating day in American history, and it was all related to commercial airlines.
Every situation and event will have its ups and downs. Overall, minus the potential for tragedies, commercial airlines have been incredibly beneficial to not only America, but the entire world.

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