Sunday, October 18, 2015

"i never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me"-catherine van tatenhove

Fears- sudden death of loved ones, heights, not having enough time
Annoyances- mumford and sons fans, ungratefulness
Accomplishments- having a best friend relationship with my brother, mission work in costa rica, traveling to france alone for three weeks, and volunteering my Saturdays to coach 4 year old's soccer.
Confusions- math, country music, and where I stand on pretty much all major political issues
Sorrows- see I'm trying this new thing where I focus on the positives, so I have sorrows, yes, but I also had two pieces of cake today. So, life is good, man.
Dreams-to pay for plane tickets instead of paying a house mortgage, to never feel like I work, to be trilingual, to run a 5:00 minute mile, to be my kids best friend (without turning them into entitled brats), oh, and to go to Thailand/become a mahout (n. (in South and Southeast Asia) a person who works with, rides, and tends an elephant).
Idiosyncrasies- being overly pretentious about music tastes, never capitalizing the first letter of words or sentences, having an unprecedented love for all pickles, candles, dark rooms, and mexican food
Risks- swimming with sharks (want), swimming with stingrays (did)
Beloved Possessions- books, music, and relationships
Problems- procrastinating, comparing myself to others, spelling 

One of my fears of not having enough time seems to infect every part of my life. It starts in small ways by begging the time gods for more hours in the day to do more homework, read more books, listen to more music, run more miles, and have more late night enlightening text conversations. Then it forges its way to my cherished relationships because I find myself struggling to find time to see people I don't cross paths with on a daily basis. Therefore, sometimes I feel responsible for just simply the innocent and frankly normal diffusion of relationships. Similarly, time is crippling when surveying my aspirations in black and white above, and not just when attempting to run a daunting 5 minute mile. Knowing I want to travel, learn to speak with natives in THEIR language, meet and love people that are hard to believe exist, swim with sharks, and overcome my seemingly insurmountable problems and sorrows I worry. I worry that I won't have enough time. I worry I won't have enough time to do the things above, and I worry the people I love don't have enough time either. This can become a rather fatalistic and vicious cycle to be at arms with, but the solution is surprisingly in complex.
Be happy with how you use every waking moment of your time, so you more or less don't care how much of it you have. And, if I am able to live that statement out, then THAT would be my fifth and greatest accomplishment.

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