Friday, October 30, 2015

Katie Demetriades Assignment 10: BOO

Before I explain what scares me most, let me give you a little back story. When I was a little girl, you could say I was a bit of a chicken. I can't pinpoint an exact cause; maybe it's just instinct. I was afraid of most things I was unfamiliar with. I can remember when my older brother and cousin would play the Operation computer game, I would cower in fear and avoid the computer room like the plague. "Come on, Kate, come play with us!" My response was a shake of the head and the sound of a fading pitter patter. Similar situations happened in reference to other things, including meeting mascots, going down slides, etc. To this day, I'm still easily scared. So horror movies really aren't my thing. Even some of the cheesy not-really-scary ones get me paranoid, like Halloween (tis the season, right?)

But back to the prompt. Because I'm such a baby, it's hard to choose what really scares me most. My biggest phobia, hands down, is sharks. That came about when I was about 8 or 9 and I watched bits and pieces of Jaws, specifically the end. My mom is a big fan of the movie, so she thought I would like it. Too bad it scarred me for life and I can't go to an aquarium or look at images of sharks... As far as my abstract fears go, I guess I'm most afraid of the future. As you can probably tell from my childhood, I don't like change and I don't like the unknown (but that's mostly because I don't want to look stupid). Change has always been difficult for me, even when the change was small. Sometimes I get to thinking too hard and I realize I have routines now that I won't have 10 years from now, which makes me so anxious. It's not to say my future won't be good, it's just the transition from one thing to the next really scares me. I regain my balance once I adjust to the changes, but I fall back down once I realize change is coming. It's a never ending cycle. I'm still hoping the problem will one day fix itself, and I won't have to go through a huge change to realize it's not that scary. Only time can tell...

1 comment:

  1. i cannot NOT hear the JAWS theme when i swim in dark water - even a lake


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