Sunday, October 25, 2015

Who Are the Winners of War? by Brooks Spears

           As probably once said by somebody somewhere, "war sucks." And to that person, I say, you're right, war does suck. It stands as the epitome of hypocrisy- dying to prevent death. In war, both sides lose; there are no winners. No matter which side is supposedly deemed the victor, no matter how many of your guys are still standing, no matter how many of their guys aren't still standing; we all lose.
            The allies didn't win World War II, they simply survived. They only outlasted the axis, but still endured heavy casualties. As war rages on and as bodies pile up, it gets harder to peer over that ever-increasing mountain of death. Figureheads throw soldiers to fight in wars they sometimes don't even know the causes of. And for what? So thousands upon thousands of innocent people can get caught in the cross-hairs? What is the reason for all of the death?
              I believe that war though, even as the amalgamation of hypocrisy, is meant to create peace. The purpose of war should be to preserve humanity and save lives, but it cannot achieve this goal because it stands in the way of itself. It tries to save the world by ending it. War is just a beastly proposition which achieves nothing, only succeeding in creating more death and destruction. It means well, but is only an exclamation of ignorance. War is a game of death, and we all lose.

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