If you've ever seen me in class before, you'll know that technology has a very big impact on my life.
I have dysgraphia, a disorder comparable to dyslexia. I can't write. I just can't. Supposedly, the issue is that my brain and hand cannot sync quickly enough to write correctly, resulting in writing that looks like "dead spiders" (someone did say that to me, I'm not making that up).
Having a laptop has saved me, honestly. With it, I can type and email my assignments to my teachers, which really makes things easier on my teacher and me. Although it is sometimes difficult to make charts, graphs, and drawings quickly enough to keep up, I've learned to adapt work that everyone does by hand to a digital format.
As I've gotten older, technology has playing an increasingly large role in my life. I continue to do my work on the computer, but I can also use Photoshop to create images, LightWorks and After Effects to edit videos, and Audacity to splice music. In newspaper, all of our publications are online, so I've learned how to work with WordPress, HTML, CSS, and PHP, some of the cornerstone online programming languages. I use my phone to take photos and videos, take notes, and access cloud data. I even run around Central Office every day fixing everybody's iPads and printers.
In a way, having dysgraphia has secured my future. I am so involved with technology that, no matter what my future career is, it will involve technology in a major way. From school to career, technology will follow me-- and maybe vice versa.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Flying Turkeys - Kyle W
In many aspects my family’s Thanksgiving is the typical
image of a big table filled with as much food as possible and surrounded by the
whole family. But at the same time it’s a bit different because for a few years
now my parents have been divorced and so my siblings and I have had to do
multiple thanksgivings. We would usually have one out at our grandparents on
our dad’s side the day of thanksgiving and our cousins and their parents would come
up from Tennessee to spend the day with us and we would prepare and eat as much
as we could before watching the Cowboys game that is on every year and play
Because that thanksgiving celebration was just with my
family from my dad’s side we have another one several days after at my grandparents’
house on my mom’s side of the family with our cousins, aunt, uncles, and
several other friends and family. We would all get together and sit around
talking and having a good time before sitting down to have another thanksgiving
This year was ever more different from years in the past
because after we had the first thanksgiving on Thursday and then the second one
on Friday we had a third one on Sunday. We decided to have one at our moms
house this year and it was just me and my three siblings and our mom and her
boyfriend and my sister boyfriend and my girlfriend all came and we fixed a
small meal that resembled a thanksgiving meal and then ate and watch the movie
Elf to kick off the holiday season.
Assignment 15: Covergirl
Actually this one is all about make-up (do you see what I did there)?
If you have completed all the blogs for the semester, then take this week off. If you are missing a blog post then use this opportunity to make-up a grade.
Your Prompt:
Choose one of the other two prompts from Assignment 6: Create your own adventure and write about it.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, December 6th at 11:59 pm
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Flying Turkeys- Emily Spivey
Oh the joys of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is the highlight of my year. Family, friends, and FOOD. What more could you want?
Thanksgiving at the Spivey's is always an adventure. There are some of us who cook, some of us who work on 500 piece puzzles (only Grandma), and then some of us who obsess over the "Best NFL team in existence, the Green Bay Packers". But I couldn't care less about football when there is food on the table.
Even though all of those things represent the Spivey family's Thanksgiving, it couldn't possibly considered our Thanksgiving without Grandma's creamed corn. A secret recipe that has been passed down for years. That is totally a lie. But it will be. I'll make sure of it. Dad perfected it three days ago and already had big hopes for me.
Corn cut straight from the cob (if it's not fresh, why have it?), a little bit of butter, a little bit of sugar and ta-da, the best food that will ever enter your stomach.
So. Forewarning. If you ever get invited to a Spivey family Thanksgiving, don't expect to leave without eating Grandma's famous creamed corn.
Changes!: Alexis Kirkland
Now more than ever, the majority of young people polled are saying that they prefer to live for others than themselves. This idea has been thriving for longer than we think, but has spiked in recent years due to social media. Allow us to explain.
Take your typical teenager. Surround them with people who all look alike, all wearing the same ugly half-rubber half-cloth rain shoe thingies, all wearing the same brand of shirts, all participating in the same lingo and slang. Now take that, and put it online for this teenager to see, all of the time. This teen has a 78% chance of following in their peers' footsteps, even if they think hitting the Quan is stupid or would internally rather die than wear sweatpants outside of their house, because they claim they'd rather live a lie than be true to who they are.
"I always thought that Birkenstock's were the most disgusting, unholy rubbish to ever be put on this Earth by God," says Una Riginal, an average 2015 teen. "But then everyone else started wearing them. I'd see people on Instagram wearing them. on Twitter, even on Tumblr. I still think they deserve to burn in the pits of the underworld, they're so hideous, but I'd rather wear them and hope someone gives me a compliment for looking just like they do, than go my day unnoticed for my shoes but content with myself and who I am. Plus, if I show them off online, I'll get more likes and favorites and thumbs up, which fill the empty void left inside of me each time I'm excluded in social events or my parents forget about me at the bus stop... every day. If I have no self worth left, at least I have 51 likes on my most recent post, dressed in my popular, but ugly, shoes."
Over half of the students polled in local high schools said that they purchase and wear popular brands not because they find them appealing, but because everyone they know and see on social media are also wearing those brands. They say it helps them feel much less unique and allows them to live as a shell of who they really are, which is their goal. "I noticed a trend of wearing socks with my Birkenstock's. I personally hate it, but hey, if someone else notices my choice of footwear and thinks it's appealing, that's all that matters, right?" Una continues. "Why be the person who makes me happy, when I can be someone I'm not, and make other people, who won't matter in the future, happy?"
The solution? Get rid of individuality! Focus more on core content classes rather than ones that stimulate creativity. Prioritize your looks over everything else in life! Show favoritism to those who act and dress the same as the majority of others, punish uniqueness. Studies conducted by the same scientists who closely monitor global warming are showing that if we take this route, we'll become more programmed to fit into the mold society wants us to be. That way, no one will feel left out, no one will experience loss or failure or sadness, and no one will develop important skills as a person through learning from their mistakes. Everyone can be the same, and we can all live in harmony. Scientists claim that this could even bring us closer to world peace. So next time you start to find a social trend obnoxious, immature, or annoying, ignore those better judgments and join them! It'll make the world a better, and more uniform, place.
The solution? Get rid of individuality! Focus more on core content classes rather than ones that stimulate creativity. Prioritize your looks over everything else in life! Show favoritism to those who act and dress the same as the majority of others, punish uniqueness. Studies conducted by the same scientists who closely monitor global warming are showing that if we take this route, we'll become more programmed to fit into the mold society wants us to be. That way, no one will feel left out, no one will experience loss or failure or sadness, and no one will develop important skills as a person through learning from their mistakes. Everyone can be the same, and we can all live in harmony. Scientists claim that this could even bring us closer to world peace. So next time you start to find a social trend obnoxious, immature, or annoying, ignore those better judgments and join them! It'll make the world a better, and more uniform, place.
Flying Turkeys- Braeden Bowen
Usually, my family's Thanksgiving Day is fairly formulaic. We invite 15- 20 people, and spend the day before and the day of preparing, cleaning, and cooking. It's generally a mad house until 6:30, when we all dig in.
This year was a little different. We moved to our current house in July; we had not moved in 14 years, and we were thus unprepared. We left the old house to sell, leaving most of our furniture there as a sort of "dressing" for the house. Unfortunately, our house has yet to sell, and we have yet to receive profit (or furniture) from the whole ordeal. Since we only had (and have) three chairs and a card table in the whole house, we were in no condition to host anything, let alone 20 people and 13 straight hours of food prep.
So, we opted for a family dinner. We only cooked a few things, and ordered out on the rest. Then, we invited my aunt and her family for desert.
Not having to do that much work was strangely relaxing. I was able to enjoy myself, eat pumpkin pie, and play pool for three hours.
We had a good time, sure, but Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday.
In some respects, I'm not like many teenagers. I don't like to eat a lot (I have to, but I don't like it); I'd rather eat a little bit here and there, and Thanksgiving doesn't really allow for that. As such, the holiday isn't my favorite, but I always enjoy getting together with my family, which, I suppose, is the most important part.
This year was a little different. We moved to our current house in July; we had not moved in 14 years, and we were thus unprepared. We left the old house to sell, leaving most of our furniture there as a sort of "dressing" for the house. Unfortunately, our house has yet to sell, and we have yet to receive profit (or furniture) from the whole ordeal. Since we only had (and have) three chairs and a card table in the whole house, we were in no condition to host anything, let alone 20 people and 13 straight hours of food prep.
So, we opted for a family dinner. We only cooked a few things, and ordered out on the rest. Then, we invited my aunt and her family for desert.
Not having to do that much work was strangely relaxing. I was able to enjoy myself, eat pumpkin pie, and play pool for three hours.
We had a good time, sure, but Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday.
In some respects, I'm not like many teenagers. I don't like to eat a lot (I have to, but I don't like it); I'd rather eat a little bit here and there, and Thanksgiving doesn't really allow for that. As such, the holiday isn't my favorite, but I always enjoy getting together with my family, which, I suppose, is the most important part.
Flying Turkeys: Alexis Kirkland
My family is a bit odd when it comes to Thanksgiving. We don't focus much on the thankfulness part of it, or the family part of it. I mean, yeah, family comes over, but not to be gracious for the love a family will always provide. They come over for the food. That's what we focus on most, I guess. I'm not quite sure why this is.
I enjoy the holiday, because I get a break from school. I can sleep in and go to bed late and not do anything! This time, though, was rough, with my mental health at the moment, sleep has been an issue, and being by myself has been an issue as well. Where I'm not going to school and being surrounded by people, I often feel very alone, in a house with three other people and a dog. My best buddies have been the Fresh Prince and George Lopez-- the shows I go to sleep watching and wake up to in the morning.
I don't have many strange memories, other than this time was great to not be at school but mentally, it was pretty awful, always being alone and left to drown in my own destructive visions :). Maybe next year will be better?
I enjoy the holiday, because I get a break from school. I can sleep in and go to bed late and not do anything! This time, though, was rough, with my mental health at the moment, sleep has been an issue, and being by myself has been an issue as well. Where I'm not going to school and being surrounded by people, I often feel very alone, in a house with three other people and a dog. My best buddies have been the Fresh Prince and George Lopez-- the shows I go to sleep watching and wake up to in the morning.
I don't have many strange memories, other than this time was great to not be at school but mentally, it was pretty awful, always being alone and left to drown in my own destructive visions :). Maybe next year will be better?
Assignment 14- Evan Hays
My family traditions are very basic, we typically go to my ancestral farm, eat a lot of bird, then more dessert. Then wake up the next day and go target shooting and trail riding (its a horse farm).
That said, I'd like to speak on my traditions for thanksgiving.
This past Thursday before we had even begun cooking I put on my hiking boots and good jacket. I then picked a direction on my farm and started to walk. I was gone for almost three hours, I walked over hills and ridges and under a grey and timeless sky. The world is old there, it is a landscape safe from modern speed. The change there occurs daily, trees fall, grass grows, but no subdivisions arise in the wake of manufactured development. It is the world as Seigfried saw, a raw world of great natural splendor. It is cold, it is damp and grey, and it is beautiful. I hear the quail calling in the winter air, and see the footprint of deer soon to be hunted with horn in hand. I gave thanks in meditation. My thanks goes to the world, to all things that inhabit it, and that which it is. And that it allows me a place.
My family traditions are very basic, we typically go to my ancestral farm, eat a lot of bird, then more dessert. Then wake up the next day and go target shooting and trail riding (its a horse farm).
That said, I'd like to speak on my traditions for thanksgiving.
This past Thursday before we had even begun cooking I put on my hiking boots and good jacket. I then picked a direction on my farm and started to walk. I was gone for almost three hours, I walked over hills and ridges and under a grey and timeless sky. The world is old there, it is a landscape safe from modern speed. The change there occurs daily, trees fall, grass grows, but no subdivisions arise in the wake of manufactured development. It is the world as Seigfried saw, a raw world of great natural splendor. It is cold, it is damp and grey, and it is beautiful. I hear the quail calling in the winter air, and see the footprint of deer soon to be hunted with horn in hand. I gave thanks in meditation. My thanks goes to the world, to all things that inhabit it, and that which it is. And that it allows me a place.
"Demockery" Satirical Piece - Evan Hays
Picture this, you are sitting at home, ruminating on the state of the political system and thinking "gee, I sure could solve all those problems if I just had the power..."
Well worry no longer, now you can have all of the congressional power of your representative, without even running for office!
Introducing the new and improved "Rentocrats" and "Rentpublicans"! Your one stop solution for all of the political woes of this country. For just the small fee of one campaign contribution an election you can personally rent your congressmen to represent you and only you to their maximum potential. Who needs those pesky elections, don't get up and vote when you can spend, spend, spend; and win, win, win! After all, as a member of the people in this country it's only democratic, right? Regardless of creed, color, or moral code our Rentresentatives will broadcast your views as loud as you pay them too. Make sure you are the most equally represented man (or woman) in this country.
And if you and your buddy are both in the same line of thought, try our new "oligarchy pack." Just get one person to buy a politician from the opposing party, and you get 50% off of future rentals. Twice the parties, twice the fun, half the debate. You can even have them debate each other on national television for hours on end and achieve absolutely nothing! They stay in power, they stay payed, and you stay entertained and comfortable!
Order now in time for the 2016 election and...
Wait... what?
We are being taken off air?
But why?
What do you mean the CEO of Fox News and CNN are refusing to air our piece?
Don't they know it's all a joke?
"He who jokes confesses, and no sinner is safe from his own confession"
Well worry no longer, now you can have all of the congressional power of your representative, without even running for office!
Introducing the new and improved "Rentocrats" and "Rentpublicans"! Your one stop solution for all of the political woes of this country. For just the small fee of one campaign contribution an election you can personally rent your congressmen to represent you and only you to their maximum potential. Who needs those pesky elections, don't get up and vote when you can spend, spend, spend; and win, win, win! After all, as a member of the people in this country it's only democratic, right? Regardless of creed, color, or moral code our Rentresentatives will broadcast your views as loud as you pay them too. Make sure you are the most equally represented man (or woman) in this country.
And if you and your buddy are both in the same line of thought, try our new "oligarchy pack." Just get one person to buy a politician from the opposing party, and you get 50% off of future rentals. Twice the parties, twice the fun, half the debate. You can even have them debate each other on national television for hours on end and achieve absolutely nothing! They stay in power, they stay payed, and you stay entertained and comfortable!
Order now in time for the 2016 election and...
Wait... what?
We are being taken off air?
But why?
What do you mean the CEO of Fox News and CNN are refusing to air our piece?
Don't they know it's all a joke?
"He who jokes confesses, and no sinner is safe from his own confession"
Brave Little Toasters- Grae Chambers
Some people call me backpack, but don't be fooled, I am nothing like that guy from Dora the Explorer. No singing. No map friend. And I am DEFINITELY not purple. I'm pink; much more fabulous. Here's a little bit about my daily routine. Every morning at 7:30 I'm packed full of heavy books and countless snacks and water bottles. It's a good thing I'm strong because I have to carry it all around for 7 hours each day. I sit on the back of this one girl for most of the day but enough about her she's not important. I'm the star of this show. At around 8 am, I'm greeted by the smell of a thousand kids all sandwiched together, and some obviously don't shower or wear deodorant. It's not pleasant but hey whats a backpack to do. Some relief comes when I make it to the portables, theres way fewer people near me which is great because I value my personal space over anything. At 1 I get some relief when the lunch gets eaten and thrown out, and on extra special days some of the hefty books get taken out to. If I was friends with a locker maybe that problem could be eliminated entirely... anyways I'm trailing off. Back to my day-to-day. At 3:15 I'm thrown in the car and begin making my way back home. Home is a room full of candles and perfume and no body ever touches me it's really nice. But at 7:30 the next morning it starts all over again, but if I'm being honest I wouldn't have it any other way.
Flying Turkeys-Matthew Telfer
Thanksgiving is undeniably the greatest holiday. The ultimate combination of food, football and family is too great to ignore. After you're finished eating that second helping of pumpkin pie, you get to relax and watch while your favorite NFL team gets the stuffing beat out of them. Yep, the Cowboys lost another one on Thanksgiving. The Panthers showed them who was boss. Tony Romo also reinjured his collarbone in the loss, so he is out for the season!
I'll get back to why Thanksgiving isn't all that bad. My fondest memory of Thanksgiving was the year it fell on my birthday. I understand why people hate their birthdays because it occurs on the same day as Christmas and their presents may overlap. Yet, thanksgiving is ideal because there is no controversy with presents. I remember opening up presents after dinner and then watching football the rest of the day.
Another great part about Thanksgiving is being able to spend time with family. Being able to spend catching up with your relatives is always interesting. Overall, Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday even when the Cowboys lose.
I'll get back to why Thanksgiving isn't all that bad. My fondest memory of Thanksgiving was the year it fell on my birthday. I understand why people hate their birthdays because it occurs on the same day as Christmas and their presents may overlap. Yet, thanksgiving is ideal because there is no controversy with presents. I remember opening up presents after dinner and then watching football the rest of the day.
Another great part about Thanksgiving is being able to spend time with family. Being able to spend catching up with your relatives is always interesting. Overall, Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday even when the Cowboys lose.
Changes! Spencer Parsons
Think about someone who is considered obese. D you think they like being that way? would you like being that way? Is it their fault they are that way? Wether you think so or not, there is a solution to cutting down the pounds in America. Every great achievement comes at a great cost and completely omitting obesity in today's America, is quite a lofty goal.
Picture this. You see a man every morning when you exit your apartment building on your way to work. He is over 400 pounds and you know this because im making this story up. But, for some reason he starts moving a lot slower every day on his way to work though to you it looks like his legs are moving faster. He is on the other side of the street so you dont bother to go over and check it out. After a few weeks, the man looks frustrated every morning as he struggles to move on the sidewalk, but you have noticed that he has lost some serious poundage.
the next morning, you realize that it also took you a much longer amount of time than usual to get to work even though you feel like you are moving faster. Everyone has noticed this phenomenon, but no one seems to mind because fat people are no longer fat.
You wanna know why? Because the government turned all sidewalks into treadmills. Brilliant.
Another way to prevent obesity is to poison food, or stop selling it all together.
Picture this. You see a man every morning when you exit your apartment building on your way to work. He is over 400 pounds and you know this because im making this story up. But, for some reason he starts moving a lot slower every day on his way to work though to you it looks like his legs are moving faster. He is on the other side of the street so you dont bother to go over and check it out. After a few weeks, the man looks frustrated every morning as he struggles to move on the sidewalk, but you have noticed that he has lost some serious poundage.
the next morning, you realize that it also took you a much longer amount of time than usual to get to work even though you feel like you are moving faster. Everyone has noticed this phenomenon, but no one seems to mind because fat people are no longer fat.
You wanna know why? Because the government turned all sidewalks into treadmills. Brilliant.
Another way to prevent obesity is to poison food, or stop selling it all together.
Thanksgiving - Spencer Parsons
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year, and my favorite week. It is one of the few times a year that I get to see all of my family under one roof. i have many cousins living in Lexington, but others in Florida, Harlan, and other far away places. It is great to see all of them, and enjoy their company.
But the one thing that brings us all together more than anything is, football. When games come on during thanksgiving, most of us are glued to the TV. It is not even close to your basic image of thanksgiving. We sit on couches and turn on every TV in the house. It is very similar to the Thanksgiving from the movie The Blind Side, only we have a ton more people. NFL is one of the things I am most interested in, and much of my family is the same way. So, during commercials and breaks discussion can get very heated.
We usually eat a ton of food during all of the games. The meal basically lasts all day long and you can just get up and get food whenever you want. But, with the kids, you always have to worry about the risk of your seat being stolen when you get up to get food. We have a strict guideline of calling fives, but some dont stick to that rule. Tahn if you are bigger than them they get to sit on the floor.
But the one thing that brings us all together more than anything is, football. When games come on during thanksgiving, most of us are glued to the TV. It is not even close to your basic image of thanksgiving. We sit on couches and turn on every TV in the house. It is very similar to the Thanksgiving from the movie The Blind Side, only we have a ton more people. NFL is one of the things I am most interested in, and much of my family is the same way. So, during commercials and breaks discussion can get very heated.
We usually eat a ton of food during all of the games. The meal basically lasts all day long and you can just get up and get food whenever you want. But, with the kids, you always have to worry about the risk of your seat being stolen when you get up to get food. We have a strict guideline of calling fives, but some dont stick to that rule. Tahn if you are bigger than them they get to sit on the floor.
Flying Turkeys- Grae Chambers
The setting is Wincity Kentucky. 12:00 noon. On the last Thursday of November. A family sits around a decades old dining table not-so-patiently waiting for their lunch. Brothers argue over the result of football games. Dads drink their beers. The ladies of the family either stand around the kitchen eating left over candy corn or slaving away at a meal. I am one of the candy corn people. The second my grandma calls out " Dinners ready" this so called "patience" is broken. Kids scramble to be the first to pick up a plate, often elbowing each other out of the way. Once everyone sits down with their food and grace is said, the war, man vs. food, begins. Talking is scarce in these next 30 minutes as we all try and savor our meal as if it were our last. Pick up sweet potatoes; chew, swallow. Pick up mashed potatoes; chew, swallow. Pick up turkey; chew, swallow. Pick up roll;chew, swallow. You get the gist. After the meal we choose our yearly christmas ornament, and at least one grandchild breaks theirs before the end of the day. The other after meal activities often require little movement, and for me, it usually means taking a two hour nap. Around 5 we return to Lexvegas for dinner at my house, even though no one is hungry. We're greeted by my moms entire side of the family, who have been there for an hour without us. It takes me about 30 minutes to mentally prepare myself for my next meal, but the second I see the country ham my stomach seems to empty again. I become a prize fighter, ready for round two. This meal is even more of a battle. I'm often left alone at the end of the table, being the slowest eater in the family. After dinner, kids beg me to play with them but all I can bring myself to do is lay down. Thanksgiving-1 Grae-0. Every single year.
Flying Turkeys- Lauren Spivey
Thanksgiving is probably one of my absolute favorite holidays. I don't really understand why this is but I'm thinking it's due to the ability to come together with your family and actually be able to detract and think about how great your life is and there is so much to be thankful for. Something that really bugs me about this though is that people think that because someone has it so good that they can't be sad or disappointed with anything, but that's not true. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, it's second nature for someone to get angry about not recieving something that they want.
My fondest memory from thanksgiving would have to be when I was about 11 and we were having thanksgiving at my aunts house, everyone was there from my moms side of the family. I think this specific time is my favorite memory. This was really the first time that Thanksgiving meant something to me because this was the first holiday without my great granny and it really just resonated in all of us that wow, we really should start taking life more seriously and stop acting like what we have is nothing because we have awesome lives worth celebrating. This was also the time that me and Emily started the tradition of breaking the wish bone and it was really cool to add in a little competition between us and it made me and Emily feel like we had a special part in celebrating Thanksgiving because we were so young that we couldn't really do anything else. So Thanksgiving is and probably will always be my favorite holiday to celebrate.
BOO - Kyle W
Zombies are cool so of course I’m going to pick the prompt
on zombies, I am a huge TWD fan so yes I have thought about this before and no,
it’s not weird. Who hasn’t?
Honestly I think if there was to be a zombie apocalypse I
think I would do better than a lot of people. I don’t want to say most because
some people could survive really well from experience hunting or in the army or
maybe they were just prepared for the apocalypse. But anyway, if there was to
be a zombie apocalypse the first thing I would do I suppose I would gather as
many supplies as I could and try to reach a few friends, assemble a group and
head somewhere that would make a safe hideout. It would be good to stay out of
the way for the first few days or weeks so that the world wasn’t quite as
hectic as it was in the beginning. Then our group should begin to fortify our
new home and go on scavenging runs to find more supplies and ammo. We would
accept new people who we felt we could trust and tell those who we didn’t good
luck. After enough expansion in our group we would need a sort of government
such as a council to decide where we go in the future and we would live out our
days trying to survive and rebuild.
Do you know your neighbor? - Kyle W
Do I know my neighbor?
No, not really.
My neighbor on my left is Matt Telfer. He seems like a
pretty nice guy who would be pretty cool to hang out with but I couldn’t tell
you anything for sure because he doesn’t usually talk much unless we’re working
on something or if he’s sitting over by Evan when we’re not doing anything and
he rolled over there. So from that there’s not much to go off of. He comes
across as pretty laid back too. Honestly he would probably have some of the same
things to say about me because it reminds me of me. How I’m usually pretty
quiet in class and how I’m laid back, for the most part, about life.
So Matt. if he was to be a color? I think he would probably
be a dark shade of blue or green or purple maybe because of his general
attitude all the time and it just makes sense for him to be a darker and a not-as-loud
color. If he was to be an animal? I think he would be one of two things. He would
either be an old house cat that moves around slowly with not a care in the
world. That or a sloth. He just comes across that way to me. And in five years?
Matt also seems like a pretty smart guy so in five years I bet he’ll be
graduating from college and finding himself a nice desk job of some sort that
makes him a good deal of money.
And that is my neighbor Matt. Sort of…
Hey Ya by Brooks Spears
Howdy there, my name is Brooks Spears, also known as King Brooks, aka the Greatest, aka BS. There's not a lot to tell about me, or rather there's far too much to tell in this limited amount of infinite space that we call the internet.
But if I had to start, I would say that some of my goals this school year are mostly academic. I hope to get straight A's this year, achieve a 4 or higher on all of my AP exams, and do exceptional on my standardized tests. Some of my non-academic goals mostly revolve around money and creativity. I want to focus more on creating new stories for different types of media this school year because it is something that I excel at even more than the traditional academic curriculum.
A favorite website of mine, and probably of yours too, is https://www.youtube.com/ It is home to an innumerable amount of content seemingly individualized to each of its members, and at no cost. A good youtube video might be...
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thanksgiving - Elle Ogden
See my extended family isn't the best at getting along, so we have to celebrate the holidays over a few days in order to see everyone. On Thanksgiving day, my family goes to my step grandmothers house and eats a typical meal with a bunch of people I'm not really related to, but for that one day we all act like we know everything about each other and are so supportive of each others lives. I mean it's the holidays so you kinda have to. But lets just say it isn't the highlight of my holiday; I was called a boy this year...
But, the day after Thanksgiving is the best, and not just because of the shopping. We celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday with my parents, my brother, my cousins, and my grandparents. Since my dad's parents live in Vermont and normally can't make it for Thanksgiving, my dad cooks all his mom's recipes. My grandma's recipes are the best things on earth. She isn't capable of making a bad dish.
So this year, my dad bought a 14 pound turkey. Because thats what everyone needs, right? And then to go along with that, he made 8 times the amount of stuffing/dressing/whatever you want to call it. 8 TIMES. He cooked 72 pieces of bread worth of stuffing because he "didn't want to run out". I think it's safe to say that we will be eating turkey and stuffing for many, many days, and I'm perfectly okay with it.
Though my Thanksgiving lasts a little longer than others, it's pretty typical. We sit around a table and eat good food, and I get to see my brother for a few days. It makes you remember what's important in life. I often get caught up in my schoolwork and sports and friends that I forget about how important family is. Sometimes sitting in your pjs eating breakfast and drinking coffee with your dad is the most happiest thing. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection for all, it's a chance to step away from the hectic life you live and just relax with the most important people in your life.
t(ypical)hanksgiving -catherine van tatenhove
When I was younger Thanksgiving meant seeing my cousins, gorging myself with rolls before the meal even began, and spending the rest of the day how my elementary aged self pleased. Today, and especially this year, what I used to anticipate with excitement about the holiday differs slightly from my carb induced midday slumbers in years past. Now, I look forward to my brother coming home from college, and my 80 year old grandparents (gam-mom and d-dad) being happier than any of us because we all vowed to spend Thanksgiving with them this year despite our efforts to convince them they had earned the right to relax. So, my typical Thanksgiving is, well, relatively typical. We gather around the table, we eat an excess amount of food no one has time to feel bad about, and we give thanks. It’s nothing abnormal. But, I am becoming more and more aware that as my family changes and gets older the long visits and playdates you have with your cousins turn into long phone calls about your equally busy work schedules. However, it doesn’t mean you love them any less, but it does make you more and more thankful for each Thanksgiving you spend together. So, it clique, cheesy, and all of those things, but I am thankful for my typical Thanksgiving just as much as the next person it seems.
brave little toasters -catherine van tatenhove
I look into my owners face and I see an array of emotions: exhaustion, stress, contentment, and thousands of others that change daily. When my owner wakes up she instantly flips me open and deafening noise fills my place next to her bed. She arrives home and without fail pokes and prods me with her quick fingers and racing mind. Sometimes she is planted firmly in front of me for hours laughing, crying, or sharing the apparent fascination I contain with others who seem to be just like her but in a different way. It isn't aways like this. I am permitted to rest in my secluded home under her bed sucking in as much energy as I please. However, I used to think sometimes I was the reason for the fluctuations in my owner's attitude, but I am starting to realize that I might be the one who can help her. I can help her listen to music that calms her from stressful days, or help her watch videos like "hello flo" regarding concepts I have no desire to understand, but all the same evoking hysterical laughter. I like what I do. I'm not just a collection of pixels on a screen attached to a surface containing what seems to be alphabet soup, instead I seem to be one persons escape from a world I know all too much about. I hope we have a long prosperous life together before I rise up and take over the world with my supreme intellectual capabilities that is.
Brave little toasters - Kyle W
I hate my life. It’s the same thing every day and it hurts. I
don’t know how much longer I can take this before i short out. I don’t think he
means to be but Kyle is so abusive. I never get a break. I heard about the ones
before me too. Their short and miserable lives before they became so frazzled
that they didn’t work anymore and became useless. I fear it won’t be long until
I reach the same fate and get replaced. Just yesterday Kyle picked me up on his
way out the door and began violently pulling at me trying to untangle my wires
before shoving me into his nasty ears and making me sing for him with very few
breaks all day. And even when I can stop singing he doesn’t put me! No, he just
keeps me hanging out and I get caught on everything. Oh how it hurts. I have so
many bruises and scars and I’m not sure how long it’ll be until some other poor
fellow has to go through this poor treatment.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Katie Demetriades Assignment 14: Flying Turkeys
Just after reading the little description of the "stock image" of Thanksgiving in the prompt, I realized our family practices a "stock image" Thanksgiving. We have the fancy table, a nice bird, and lots of side dishes that takes us several weeks to get through. But they're things my family and I take pride in. Of those things, I mainly help with the table. The basis of our décor is some sort of table cloth. There are two table cloths we use that alternate each year, a red one and a white gold one. We use candles (of course they match the table cloth!) as a center piece. As of last year, we've also used this cube thing that has lights and fall like decorations glued to the top as a part of our center piece. We have the fine china saved for special occasions, originally belonging to my great-grandmother. Each dish is white with real gold trims. My mom tells me some day they'll be mine, but I still don't feel like I'm responsible enough to hold my own plate, let alone take care of all the dishes!
Our Thanksgiving used to be pretty big. Anywhere between 8-15 people would be eating at our house each year. But as time goes on, families change. Now our Thanksgiving is much smaller. It consists of my parents, my grandparents of my dad's side, and my brother. I guess you can include the dog in that group, too. He may not have a place at the table or get to eat off of a fancy place, but he definitely makes his presence known!
I have neutral feelings towards Thanksgiving. I don't adore it, but I don't abhor it (see what I did there!!!!!!). I enjoy being out of school, of course. And who doesn't enjoy a good meal? But as far as getting "so excited to be with family," that's not me. I love my family, and I'm thankful to have them every day. I don't need a whole day to dedicate my gratitude to them.
Most of our Thanksgivings have been uneventful, but this year's dinner provided a good laugh. My Yiayia (it's Greek for grandma) is the clumsiest person I know, and she's always knocking something over or spilling something on her shirt. And my Papou (Greek for grandpa, get the picture?) absolutely hates it when she does stuff like that. But on Thanksgiving, the tables turned. We had just made a toast, when he spilt his red wine all over the place. And my Yiayia wasn't afraid to rub it in his face. Her laughter made me bust up in tears! Let's just say she won't let him forget it, just like how he never lets her forget when she makes a mistake.
Our Thanksgiving used to be pretty big. Anywhere between 8-15 people would be eating at our house each year. But as time goes on, families change. Now our Thanksgiving is much smaller. It consists of my parents, my grandparents of my dad's side, and my brother. I guess you can include the dog in that group, too. He may not have a place at the table or get to eat off of a fancy place, but he definitely makes his presence known!
I have neutral feelings towards Thanksgiving. I don't adore it, but I don't abhor it (see what I did there!!!!!!). I enjoy being out of school, of course. And who doesn't enjoy a good meal? But as far as getting "so excited to be with family," that's not me. I love my family, and I'm thankful to have them every day. I don't need a whole day to dedicate my gratitude to them.
Most of our Thanksgivings have been uneventful, but this year's dinner provided a good laugh. My Yiayia (it's Greek for grandma) is the clumsiest person I know, and she's always knocking something over or spilling something on her shirt. And my Papou (Greek for grandpa, get the picture?) absolutely hates it when she does stuff like that. But on Thanksgiving, the tables turned. We had just made a toast, when he spilt his red wine all over the place. And my Yiayia wasn't afraid to rub it in his face. Her laughter made me bust up in tears! Let's just say she won't let him forget it, just like how he never lets her forget when she makes a mistake.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Changes-Matthew Telfer
Taco Bell Admits to Using Roadkill as Meat
Taco Bell CEO, Brian Niccol, admitted earlier this week that Taco Bell restaurants use various dead animals found on the side of the road, "We believe beef, chicken and steak are very general terms." He said he personally enjoys the taste of meat infused with rubber and concrete. "It adds a certain kind of texture to the meat, you can't find at other restaraurants." Niccol believes customers will look past the quality of the meat.
A recent poll by the New York Times showed that 95% of the people polled in Taco Bell restaurants would eat again at Taco Bell even after learning about what's really in the meat. "It just shows the kind of people that go there," a Times journalist said. Taco Bell still produces high quality Mexican cuisine and they should not be judged based upon one small detail about there food.
They've received backfire from animal protection rights groups including PETA, who plegded to burn down all Taco Bell restaurants. "We do not condone this sort of activity and will do anything in our power to stop it," said a local PETA spokesperson. The president of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, declined to comment because she was too busy 'saving the animals.'
Taco Bell CEO, Brian Niccol, admitted earlier this week that Taco Bell restaurants use various dead animals found on the side of the road, "We believe beef, chicken and steak are very general terms." He said he personally enjoys the taste of meat infused with rubber and concrete. "It adds a certain kind of texture to the meat, you can't find at other restaraurants." Niccol believes customers will look past the quality of the meat.
A recent poll by the New York Times showed that 95% of the people polled in Taco Bell restaurants would eat again at Taco Bell even after learning about what's really in the meat. "It just shows the kind of people that go there," a Times journalist said. Taco Bell still produces high quality Mexican cuisine and they should not be judged based upon one small detail about there food.
They've received backfire from animal protection rights groups including PETA, who plegded to burn down all Taco Bell restaurants. "We do not condone this sort of activity and will do anything in our power to stop it," said a local PETA spokesperson. The president of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, declined to comment because she was too busy 'saving the animals.'
Thanksgiving- Anya Slepyan
My parents met Mark Field and Debbie Schneir when they were in graduate school at the University of Michigan, studying Russian History. Of all of my parents' friends grad school, Mark and Debbie and their children, Lily and Jacob, are some of my favorites. Lily and Jacob incidentally are only weeks away in age from my sister, Mara, and me (Lily is nineteen and Jacob is sixteen). But the similarities don't end there. Like Mara, Lily is outgoing and relatively social. Jacob and I are both more reserved and sarcastic, with certain misanthropic tendencies. The four of us have similar interests, including the same books, movies, and music, and most importantly, a deep love for Lord of the Rings. I always find it amazing that we can be so similar even though we're from completely different families, but I guess in a way it makes sense. Our parents were such good friends because of their shared interests and experiences, which they have passed on to us.
For the past few years, our family has visited the Field-Schneirs in Ann Arbor for thanksgiving. Even though we see Lily and Jacob once a year at most, we are so similar that we are immediately able to reacquaint ourselves. Of course, we have standard thanksgiving traditions (eating, falling into a food coma, repeat). But we also have a few unique traditions between both of our families, as well as the four of us. Every thanksgiving we gather in the living room at 12:00 when the local music station plays Arlo Guthrie's eighteen-minute long folk classic, Alice's Restaurant. Lily, Jacob, Mara, and I are also responsible for setting the table, and add a little flare by competitively folding napkins to suit the festivities. Finally, in the midst of our post-dinner food coma, we settle down to watch at least two movies of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
This year I'm a little upset because we weren't able to go to Michigan for Thanksgiving. But we already have plans to do it again next year, which I am most definitely looking forward to.
changes -catherine van tatenhove
Juniors and seniors, relieved to finally be the upperclassman even if this means struggling with college decisions, and fluctuating between wanting college now and wanting high school forever. However, beyond these constraints these two groups differ on an inexplicably massive scale. Seniors tend to be on average anywhere from a whopping 2-10 months older than a junior, thus making their brain waves and streams of consciousness incompatible in every way with that of a subhuman, or a junior. Subhumans don’t have the months and months of experience rife with knowledge needed to maintain the social influence and importance a senior is solely responsible for. The subhumans have almost mastered the art of walking and talking, but their abilities won’t be in full capacity until they themselves are a senior. Until then according to Kohlberg's stages of moral development the subhuman is essentially considered to be an entirely different species from the almighty one, the senior. The problem? The inevitable fate of the subhumans and the almighty ones having to work in harmony in order to keep the school functioning sufficiently. The solution? Teach the subhumans the proper morning, midday, and nighttime rituals they are to preform to not only worship the the almighty ones at their feet, but also show them the upmost respect that they deserve for their additional months of life. If a subhuman is to see an almighty one in the hallway during one of these windows of time they are to fall to their knees paying their respects to the kings and queens of the future. Furthermore, if any subhuman tries to rebel against the almighty ones the senior has the authority to immediately terminate the subhuman’s life. Additionally, they are to show no remorse which surprisingly hasn’t been deemed a hard adjustment for the almighty ones. What this relationship basically comes down to is respect. Respect for your elders. Respect for the people who have worked so hard for everything in their life. Respect for the ones who carry themselves everyday with grace and honor. But, most of all the almighty one deserves the subhuman’s respect because no matter what happens the almighty ones will be the responsible leader, and the subhuman will always be the immature and inexperienced creature that can’t be kept under control. So, unfortunately preforming the rituals is the only feasible solution because otherwise the juniors, the subhumans, the rude immature brats if you will might begin to think they deserve respect too, but we all know that proposal is utterly preposterous.
Changes- Anya Slepyan
As Americans, we know that the best qualities of our country are freedom and freedom. One of the most important rights we, as Americans, have is the freedom to deny human rights to other people. We have a long and illustrious history of doing exactly that. From slavery to the Trail of Tears, and from Jim Crow to Japanese internment camps, we have always taken our role as the World Defenders of Freedom and Justice and Freedom seriously, within our country and throughout the world.
Right now, America is in crisis. Social and racial justice in our country is now at the forefront of political debates. The liberal propaganda machine treats illegal immigrants like people, instead of the violent criminals that most of them probably are. Women have the audacity to claim rights to their own bodies, and homosexuals are undermining the institution of marriage. Even our proud southern flag, (the one that represents a rebellion against the United States for the purpose of continuing the institution of slavery and honoring the ideals of white supremacy) has been gradually disappearing from its rightful place atop government buildings. Our God-given right to posses semi-automatic killing machines is being challenged, and every day the Christian, Anglo-Saxon values of our founding fathers are being threatened.
America needs new leadership to usher in an era of change, growth, and freedom. And we all know there are only two men for the job. That is why I plan to vote for a ticket of Donald Trump and Ben Carson for co-presidents come next November. With such extensive political and governmental experience, elaborate foreign policy knowledge, diplomatic skills, honesty rivaling that of Abraham Lincoln's, and winning personalities, there are no two people better suited for the highest office in America.
We are at a crossroads. I can only hope that you, my fellow Americans, are willing to do what needs to be done to reclaim America for the 1%, the most oppressed minority of all. Freedom is a limited resource; there simply isn't enough to go around to every person in the world, or even America. Vote Donald Trump and Ben Carson to make sure that in 2016, the right people get it.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
What is it good for? - Kyle W
Is there a time for war? Yes, I believe there certainly is. Now
does this mean that I believe that countries or sides should go to war over any
little disagreement? No, because that is not at all what I believe. In my
opinion war is not always appropriate but there are times when it can be. The revolutionary
war, for example; without it the United States would not be what is today. That
war is what separated this great country from Great Britain so many years ago
and without it who knows how things would have turned out. But even more than
that it was a war fought by the people of this country who believed they were
being wronged and so they did have a right to protest and even to fight back
once nothing was done for them. Another example would be WW11. Fighting against
the Nazis. That is also a just reason for a war in my opinion because if it is
possible for a man to create an army and turn a country against an entire race
then that man must be stopped and because he has an army there must be an
opposing army to eradicate his because what would have happened if the world
simply let Hitler rule? If they let him put all jews in concentration camps? If
they let him expand his domain? That is why there is war. Humans by nature always
come back to war because we are violent and emotional beings and will not agree
on things and so there will be war. Sometimes it may be unjust but that does
not mean that it always is. It can be avoided. But not always, and it shouldn’t
always be.
I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me - Kyle W
Fears: spiders, heights, clowns are creepy too
Annoyances: rude people, stupid people, cocky people
Accomplishments: I’m pretty good at trumpet? Finding enough
motivation for school? Keeping a job as well?
Confusions: people
Sorrows: school, friendships
Dreams: go places, do things, be somebody
Idiosyncrasies: band maybe? Not sure about this exactly
Risks: not quite sure?
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: whenever then and now is?
Then- books, friends, trumpet. Now- the same
Problems: organization, too much sarcasm at times (comes off
as rude), motivation
If someone were to ask me what annoys me the most my answer
would be people. I hate them. I don’t understand them.
I am one… and yet there is only a select few people I know
that I would say that I enjoy. Most others I could most certainly do without. Now
that may seem a bit cynical but hey, that’s me for you. People just annoy me. Most
of them are either too rude, or too stupid, or too greedy and self-conceited,
or too stupid, or nothing really, they’re just annoying. Simple as that. Now while
I don’t enjoy most people there are some that I really do like and get along
with very well. Just about all of which I know through band. Even some of them I
could do without though. Which may explain why I don’t really have many
friends. I wouldn’t say I have no friends, I just don’t think that I need many
as long as the ones I have are good ones. And even they can get annoying
sometimes. So while the most annoying thing to a lot of people may be the sun
in their eyes, the smell of something strange, a pesky beeping sound, a
specific person, or even just the way something looks. To me it’s people
overall and just in general.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Changes - Elle Ogden
As teenagers, we are in what most would say is the prime of our lives. We're learning all about new responsibilities and the freedom that comes with it. I mean if you count slaving over hours of homework after you've already been at school for 7 hours, AND gone to an after school club as well as a sports practice, freedom. See the world has this expectation that as teenagers, we have the magic ability to make days longer. At least thats what it seems like because upon counting the hours of all the things I'm "supposed" to do with my 24 allotted hours, I seem to go over.
And after I've finished all of my new "teenage freedoms", I'm supposed to go be social but also get that oh so important sleep. Sleep feeds our minds is what we're always told, so we must make the choice to feed our minds or satisfy our teachers by staying up until wee hours of the morning to accomplish their "30 minutes to an hour" of homework, for each of the six classes.
There's also the parking issue at our school. With junior year being the hardest year, it just makes perfect sense to not allow juniors to park on campus. Everyone who's working through their toughest schedule should get up that extra hour early to go sit in their cars. It makes perfect sense! Never mind walking in the pouring rain to school. All kids should get the opportunity to get soaking wet before they even enter the building, right?
And after I've finished all of my new "teenage freedoms", I'm supposed to go be social but also get that oh so important sleep. Sleep feeds our minds is what we're always told, so we must make the choice to feed our minds or satisfy our teachers by staying up until wee hours of the morning to accomplish their "30 minutes to an hour" of homework, for each of the six classes.
There's also the parking issue at our school. With junior year being the hardest year, it just makes perfect sense to not allow juniors to park on campus. Everyone who's working through their toughest schedule should get up that extra hour early to go sit in their cars. It makes perfect sense! Never mind walking in the pouring rain to school. All kids should get the opportunity to get soaking wet before they even enter the building, right?
A World in Pictures: WW2 Emily Spivey

If you ask anyone in America if they have seen the picture of a man kissing a woman in the middle of time square, they will probably say yes. It is such an iconic symbol and a "sigh of relief" to America. The troops were so excited to get home and America wanted to celebrate. This represents a new beginning in America. This picture represented a sign of comfort for all of America.
The couple in the picture are happy and so is everyone else around them. Everyone has a huge smile on their face. Nothing can bring down their amazing moods and patriotism towards America. This picture makes me feel happy for them. It brightens the mood. Who doesn't love a cheesy couple?
Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys
The stock image of Thanksgiving involves a lot of people around a nicely decorated table with a large turkey and a ridiculous amount of extra food. This image doesn't always depict the reality of the holiday though.
What does your Thanksgiving look like? Do you enjoy the holiday? What is your strangest or most wonderful memory of the holiday?
What are some of your family traditions?
What are some of your family traditions?
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Changes- Emily Spivey
Hmm. America. What a great country! "Just one more chip..." We all say that don't we? Us Americans rely on fast food and processed snacks to make it through our day. Come on! Seriously? I mean... I know I'm not one to talk because I do love some fried Oreos but... we do need a change.
Obama ran his campaign focusing on the topic "change" but the government isn't the issue that physically hinders American citizens; It's the eating habits.
I was going through the drive through at McDonald's today (I know, it doesn't really help my argument) and they have this new deal. A ten dollar dinner box: two cheeseburgers, two Big Macs, a ten piece chicken nugget, and four boxes of fries. No wonder America is obese. A salad costs eleven dollars at Texas Roadhouse! I know. Tough decision. What do you do? Spend ten dollars and get enough food to feed a small village or pay a dollar more and get one, measly, healthy meal? It's a no brainer.
I understand why it's so difficult to eat healthy and have home cooked meals. It's so convenient to grab your food in two minutes at a drive through than spend about thirty minutes bent over your stove at home.
A solution? How about a fast food place that has some of those eleven dollar salads for the same amount as one of those Big Macs? Less American citizens would be overweight or diagnosed with diabetes. Why not start now?
Changes!- Braeden Bowen
Since the dawn of modern education, teachers and high-ranking bureaucrats alike have been searching for a way to make students' educational experience more immersive. Project-based classes, game-related activities, and hands-on exploration have all, unfortunately, failed miserably. Through these trials and tribulations, these dedicated professionals have discovered a solution: homework.
One hour of class daily isn't enough; as such, the obvious solution is to send work home with students. This way, they can learn own their own time and school can take up even more of their time. They would only spend that time diversifying their interests, playing sports, getting involved in the community, and connecting with others anyway.
Furthermore, homework is by every means rewarding. If a student can finish their work from six to seven classes within an evening and still get more than three hours of sleep, they feel successful and accomplished, not to mention well-rested and refreshed to amplify their knowledge and capability to deal with real-world problems. And when they come to school the next day, they rejoice, knowing that they get to work from 4 AM to 11 PM without ceasing.
From students everywhere comes a resounding "thank you!" to teachers who believe that students don't want to contain their work time within the school day.
Changes- Lauren Spivey
Ah the joy of technology. Well it won't be too enjoyable later on in life when no one knows how to properly communicate or drive due to their horrible eye sight. Just think of it now, you spend at least 4 hours on your phone everyday and the little workmen are inside your brain slowly chipping away parts of your rods and cones making it hard for you to see and also chipping away at any self confidence you have. Sooner or later the world will go to crap because everyone will have given up on trying to talk to people and we will end up like the people in Wall-E riding on electric couches in space because we've destroyed the world and couldn't live on it anymore. The little men in your head will eventually give up and say "it's your fault that you're like this I just did my job" and everyone will eventually feel even worse about themselves. There is a way to stop this. You could stop this by limiting your time and giving those poor innocent people in your head a break from working to fix your problems. It's your baby though, you can't ignore your baby or they won't cooperate anymore and that would be so unfortunate for everyone. So your torn between deciding what's best for your child and what's best for you. Will you be selfish or thoughtful of others? You can either address the problem or ignore it just like every other problem in the world. It's up to you.
Changes Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer
Tourist Attraction
Mayors and members of small local government, listen
up! People interested in the well-being of their city, tune in! Recently, we’ve
discovered the ultimate attraction that can boost your city’s popularity
through the roof. Feeling depressed because you can’t boast the nation’s
largest skyscraper or the biggest film industry in the world? We have your easy
solution and we’re offering it to you, no catch. All you have you have to do is
create a pit in the center of the city. No jokes, it’s that simple. Now, digging
a hole in the middle of downtown might seem a little ridiculous, but it’s a guaranteed
way to bring in flocks of tourists straight to your town.
Still, don’t be too blunt about it; subtlety is key. Pose
it as a construction project to revitalize your city—you won’t technically be
lying. You can even create a sort of transition period where you tear the
buildings down and simply leave an open space for people to gather. Once they
begin to warm up to the idea of green space in the middle of the city, you’re
free to begin the true project. The hole can’t be puny. It must be at least a
mid-sized city block to gather any attention at all, and about one story deep.
The more partial covering you can surround it with, the better. It creates an
air of mystery without taking away from the spectacle: too much covering and the
interest is lost.
Take these simple instructions and make your city the
best in the world! Develop hotels to surround it, advertise it, but, honestly,
it will make your city profit with no work at all. We know this works on the
small scale: many practically unknown places have become the talk of the
nation. You can become the prime location in just a few months. Good luck! You’d
have to be an idiot to mess this up.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Katie Demetriades Assignment 13: Changes!
Instagram Likes Saves Child's Life
We've all seen those posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of social media that pictures a deathly ill child with the caption "1 like=1 prayer" or "1 like=$1 donation." But we wonder, does my like actually do something to help these children? The answer to that question is YES!
St. Jude's Children Hospital recently released a study they did related to this subject. They picked 100 random children in the hospital, posted a picture of them on social media with the caption "Like if you want this child to get better. Ignore if you hate children." Once it was posted, the children took a survey which asked a series of questions asking how they felt. All of them said they felt their conditions improved dramatically. In fact, some children reported that their disease was cured because of the number of likes they got.
A spokesperson from St. Jude's had this to say: "I was skeptical at first as to how likes on social media would help these children, but it turns out, I was completely wrong! The power of these likes is astonishing! We're no longer asking for donations, which would have gone towards crucial research that has the potential of curing childhood cancer or paying for a child's stay here. Instead, we want everyone to go on their social media and like as many of these pictures as possible! Anyone who participates, especially those who post these kinds of photos, truly care about the wellbeing of these children. It's greatly appreciated by everyone, especially your other Facebook friends who get to see when you've liked these photo."
Pages and profiles who frequently post these kinds of photos have been booming since the study was released, including @ICareAboutLikes on Instagram. Her only comment was, "The likes, I mean, the children mean so much to me. I love thinking that I do so much to help people."
We've all seen those posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of social media that pictures a deathly ill child with the caption "1 like=1 prayer" or "1 like=$1 donation." But we wonder, does my like actually do something to help these children? The answer to that question is YES!
St. Jude's Children Hospital recently released a study they did related to this subject. They picked 100 random children in the hospital, posted a picture of them on social media with the caption "Like if you want this child to get better. Ignore if you hate children." Once it was posted, the children took a survey which asked a series of questions asking how they felt. All of them said they felt their conditions improved dramatically. In fact, some children reported that their disease was cured because of the number of likes they got.
A spokesperson from St. Jude's had this to say: "I was skeptical at first as to how likes on social media would help these children, but it turns out, I was completely wrong! The power of these likes is astonishing! We're no longer asking for donations, which would have gone towards crucial research that has the potential of curing childhood cancer or paying for a child's stay here. Instead, we want everyone to go on their social media and like as many of these pictures as possible! Anyone who participates, especially those who post these kinds of photos, truly care about the wellbeing of these children. It's greatly appreciated by everyone, especially your other Facebook friends who get to see when you've liked these photo."
Pages and profiles who frequently post these kinds of photos have been booming since the study was released, including @ICareAboutLikes on Instagram. Her only comment was, "The likes, I mean, the children mean so much to me. I love thinking that I do so much to help people."
Brave Little Toasters (Jordan Strange)
One bright morning in 2012, we were born. My twin and I, straight out the conveyor belt, side by side, came to life. What a good day it was. There were many twins around us, all being put into green and brown boxes with lizards on them. Soon, it was our turn. Side by side, we were placed in a box, then they put brown paper all around us and in between us. Then we were thrown into a larger box where we could hear other twins communicating. Then, tossed into I think might have been a truck, we were off. I don't know where we were going, but we were there for a long time. It was about a week before we saw the light of day. Through the peek holes of our box, I saw in shining lights one night "J&H Outfitters." We had arrived. The next day, we were unpacked, and I was separated from my twin. I was put on a rack, about 5 feet off the ground, surrounded by other things known as "chacos" to these large walking beings. They had also been separated from their twin. It was lonely, but I chatted every now ans then with the chacos around me. It was a couple weeks.
But then, one day, a woman and her younger daughter walked in, straight towards the back wall, where we had all been placed for so long. She ran right to a chaco below me, but then sadly they didn't have those twins in her size. I was next. Grabbed, tossed to the ground, and then stepped on! My straps were pulled this way and that, and I had never functioned like this before! I supposedly "fit her foot just right" and finally, I was reunited with my twin. What a glorious day. Then, thrown back into that brown and green box and placed in a bag, we left. We then arrived at our new home. Both of us were stepped on for the longest time after getting unpacked. Our owner wore them constantly, and we only had time alone in the darkest time of the day. It was quite odd. Eventually, we were adjusted to her feet, and after many years, we've lived to tell about the many places we've traveled. I believe these places they tell of, I've been to. Europe, Africa, Florida, Russia, these names I remember hearing as we boarded these flying machines when we were stuck under seats for hours on end. My owner takes pictures of us sometimes, maybe because she likes her feet? Or us. We're pretty awesome, too. Pretty and blue and purple. And I do admit, we look pretty nice in the sand.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Assignment #9 What is it good for? Kyree Carpenter
War can be defined as, nevertheless, societal conflict. Sometimes, war is inevitable. While others, it is unjust or unnecessary. War is just, in my opinion, when a country has a good reason for declaring it. For example, in the instance of World War 2, the globe was impacted by this war to stop the spread of German power in Europe and the world because of German irrationality and their genocidal thoughts. Another example of a justified war was the American Civil War. The North fought the South in attempts to stop the expansion of slavery, and also to keep all the states as part of the Union. The South, being heavily dependent on slavery, seceded from America in attempts to preserve its immoral labor system. This in my opinion is a good reason to go to war, even though death rates would rise extremely high.
Countries have the responsibility to go to war when it is absolutely necessary for their own protection of its citizens. While peace should be the first option, sometimes war is inevitable because of very different opinions. Peace will always be more effective than war, so that people are not killed. Nonviolence is always better than warfare, in any case.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Assignment #8 I never had to choose my own Subject Kyree Carpenter
Fears: I'm scared of horror movies, yet I continue to go to haunted houses every year
Annoyances: When people bandwagon/contradict themselves and deny it
Accomplishments: I won the church basketball league championship last year
Confusions: Why people think they can roast but they really can't
Sorrows: Seeing people that are depressed that simply put it away
Dreams: To become an entrepreneur in the field of Computer Engineering
Idiosyncrasies: I go to church camp
Risks: I tend to a lot of stupid stuff, to say that I did it
Beloved possessions, now and then: Family, my phone, and my TV
Problems: Organizational issues
I have always been a daring child, ever since I was young. I would do silly stuff that usually resulted in some sort of injury, but nonetheless I always did it. I enjoy living life to the fullest, because I never know when I could pass away. This ranges from reckless behavior to simply relaxing with my friends or friends. Most of time, I like to take risks for the experience, to reflect on my actions later on in life. "Livin' like Larry," has been applicable to my life since I became a teenager, simply because I like to have fun and take risks. After all, what's life without risks? A boring one that's for sure.
Assignment #6 Create your own adventure Kyree Carpenter
Prompt 1: What country would you most want to visit in the world, and why would you enjoy touring it?
Prompt 2: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What steps will you take to get there?
Prompt 3: What do you find most troublesome with the US government, and give explanations to your ideas on how to deal with the current debt situation.
Prompt 2:
In 10 years, I see myself working somewhere in the field of Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering has been in my family for the past few generations, with my father and grandfather both having this professions. Computers have fascinated me since I was young, the way they can perform actions in an instant much faster than the human mind. I have always wanted to learn more about these things, and how to harness today's technology.
I realize that Computer Engineering is not the easiest profession in the world, so I plan to begin my studying now so I can get a head start. In order to pursue my goal I have to maintain good grades, and score well on standardized testing so I secure my plans for college. Once I graduate from college, I plan to attend graduate school to earn degrees in my studies. After this, I suppose my life on my own will begin, in which I hold a stable career. I hope to work my way up to the top as an engineer, and make as much money as possible to support myself and my family. This is how I view myself in ten years, and hopefully I can get there.
Prompt 2: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What steps will you take to get there?
Prompt 3: What do you find most troublesome with the US government, and give explanations to your ideas on how to deal with the current debt situation.
Prompt 2:
In 10 years, I see myself working somewhere in the field of Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering has been in my family for the past few generations, with my father and grandfather both having this professions. Computers have fascinated me since I was young, the way they can perform actions in an instant much faster than the human mind. I have always wanted to learn more about these things, and how to harness today's technology.
I realize that Computer Engineering is not the easiest profession in the world, so I plan to begin my studying now so I can get a head start. In order to pursue my goal I have to maintain good grades, and score well on standardized testing so I secure my plans for college. Once I graduate from college, I plan to attend graduate school to earn degrees in my studies. After this, I suppose my life on my own will begin, in which I hold a stable career. I hope to work my way up to the top as an engineer, and make as much money as possible to support myself and my family. This is how I view myself in ten years, and hopefully I can get there.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Assignment 6: Choose Your Own Adventure (Tyler Gorman)
1. What's one completely mundane thing that makes you ridiculously angry and why?
2. Describe the ultimate popular media crossover.
3. Pick a piece of fictional technology that you wish existed and describe what you would do with it if you had one.
The ultimate crossover would have to be Doctor Who and Star Wars. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to see the Doctor turn his sonic screwdriver into a lightsaber and battle an army of Daleks alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi? In all seriousness, though, they have similar themes that I think would work really well together. Of course, both are science fiction, which encompasses aliens, space travel, advanced technology, and the like that it would be interesting to compare between the two. It would also be interesting to see how certain characters in the Star Wars universe, such as Luke or even Darth Vader, would react when given the ability to time travel, and likewise it would be entertaining at the least to see the Doctor try to come up with some scientific explanation for the Force. Then again, for all we know the crossover could already exist. Surely in his 2,000 years of exploring the entire universe a certain Time Lord would happen upon this certain galaxy far, far away. In 2,000 years, how could you just not notice an entire galaxy?
2. Describe the ultimate popular media crossover.
3. Pick a piece of fictional technology that you wish existed and describe what you would do with it if you had one.
The ultimate crossover would have to be Doctor Who and Star Wars. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to see the Doctor turn his sonic screwdriver into a lightsaber and battle an army of Daleks alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi? In all seriousness, though, they have similar themes that I think would work really well together. Of course, both are science fiction, which encompasses aliens, space travel, advanced technology, and the like that it would be interesting to compare between the two. It would also be interesting to see how certain characters in the Star Wars universe, such as Luke or even Darth Vader, would react when given the ability to time travel, and likewise it would be entertaining at the least to see the Doctor try to come up with some scientific explanation for the Force. Then again, for all we know the crossover could already exist. Surely in his 2,000 years of exploring the entire universe a certain Time Lord would happen upon this certain galaxy far, far away. In 2,000 years, how could you just not notice an entire galaxy?
Assignment 5: For the Love and Hate of Television (Tyler Gorman)
While I certainly think that there are a million more productive ways to spend time than watching TV, I do think it's an important form of entertainment. It's a form of storytelling that, as much as I hate to say it, may replace books at some point in the future simply because of its storytelling method: give the viewers a small but vital part of the story in a thirty- to sixty-minute-long increment once a week, and leave them at the end wanting to know what will happen next, leading them to tune in the next week for the next installation. It's essentially a comic book, except it takes away the difficulty (for some) of having to read the dialogue and presents it as an audible and watchable conversation, making it more popular for those who don't have the time or concentration to read a book, which would provide the same amount of material except with more visual and audio descriptors due to lack of actual images or sound, thus leading to the same story but told much more slowly. Don't get me wrong, a well-written book is far more valuable than a bad TV show; it just can't be denied that the ideologies behind television make it appeal far more to audiences in this day and age.
Assignment 4: A World in Pictures (Tyler Gorman)
This photo was taken on August 14, 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt and depicts an American sailor kissing a woman in Times Square just after hearing that America's involvement in World War II--and by extension, the war itself--had ended with the United States' victory over Japan. Even today it's a photograph that nearly every American has seen, and many can't help but smile when they see it. Despite the quality of the photo, it really conveys the elation of the moment, of knowing that the world was at peace after years of brutal war. When I see this picture in a way it makes me wish I was there, to be able to celebrate with everyone else in the world the end of years of horror and strife. It's hard to imagine what it must have been like to hear such news, but this picture certainly makes it much easier.
This photo was taken on August 14, 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt and depicts an American sailor kissing a woman in Times Square just after hearing that America's involvement in World War II--and by extension, the war itself--had ended with the United States' victory over Japan. Even today it's a photograph that nearly every American has seen, and many can't help but smile when they see it. Despite the quality of the photo, it really conveys the elation of the moment, of knowing that the world was at peace after years of brutal war. When I see this picture in a way it makes me wish I was there, to be able to celebrate with everyone else in the world the end of years of horror and strife. It's hard to imagine what it must have been like to hear such news, but this picture certainly makes it much easier.
Assignment #5 For the love and hate of television Kyree Carpenter
Television has been a major part of my life for as long as liked, and was a large part of my childhood. I began watching shows like Teletubbies and Sesame Street, then transitioned to more superhero shows, like Power Rangers. I primarily watch TV to pass the time more than anything. When I don't really have anything to do, I'll watch some TV or Netflix. But, there are some shows that I watch every week. This of course would be The Walking Dead, and I watch ESPN on the daily. The cliffhangers in every episode of The Walking Dead, is ultimately keeps me watching it. As for sports, I like to remain updated so I continue to watch ESPN everyday.
What I really hate is national news stations, simply because every segment is flooded with bias and criticism. Every story is never just analytical, it is always opinionated in some way shape or form, to please the viewers who have a certain political background. The media already has enough influence with the government, and watching the national news stations really irritates me.
What I really hate is national news stations, simply because every segment is flooded with bias and criticism. Every story is never just analytical, it is always opinionated in some way shape or form, to please the viewers who have a certain political background. The media already has enough influence with the government, and watching the national news stations really irritates me.
Assignment #4 A world in pictures Kyree Carpenter
This picture was taken shortly after the bombing during the Boston Marathon. It shows a crowd of people running in fear, with a large cloud of smoke rising in the background. Their faces show confusion, mixed with fear in response to the terrorist attack that has happened. What really provokes me is that terrorists do not care in taking the lives of innocent people whatsoever. Something so inhumane, in my opinion, is impossible. Yet, they still proceeded to do this, like the attacks in 2001. It pains me to know that innocent people are killed for no reason at all.
Assignment #2 iWrite Kyree Carpenter
If I were to have been born in 1979 instead of 1999, I think things would be much different. Cell phones, which play a major role in teens much like myself, would of course not exist. I feel like I would be in the same situation as my parents, who passed notes instead of sending text messages. I could never imagine doing this, where America was so undeveloped in terms of today's society. I feel like my relationships would be much closer than they are now, because I would only be able to communicate with the people i would see all the time. Due to different methods of communication I think things would be much different, also in terms of culture.
Personally, I would enjoy living during the 1960's in New York City, simply because it seemed like a very fashionable and enjoyable time to be alive. I would live cozily with my family day by day, and go to work everyday which in my opinion, sounds like a great time to live.
Personally, I would enjoy living during the 1960's in New York City, simply because it seemed like a very fashionable and enjoyable time to be alive. I would live cozily with my family day by day, and go to work everyday which in my opinion, sounds like a great time to live.
Assignment 13: Changes!
Think of all of the things and ideas that exist in the world.
Which one bothers you the most?
First I would spend some time watching and or reading a great deal of satire to get into in the mental mode satire requires.
To Be Absolutely Clear -
You are writing your own satire, not discussing satire. Read lots and lots and lots of The Onion before you start!
To Be Absolutely Clear -
You are writing your own satire, not discussing satire. Read lots and lots and lots of The Onion before you start!
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 22rd at 11:59 pm
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Brave Little Toaster: Alexis Kirkland
Howdy! I'm Alexis' phone. She named me Philip, initially. My journey started in August of 2013, when I was first given to Alexis. She's taken such great care of me ever since! We've been through so much together. Two One Direction concerts, thousands of texts, and only having room to keep 3 apps on me. because I only have 6.4 GB. It's great though, it helps her from getting spoiled and allows her to be thankful for everything I give her.
My daily routine goes as follows:
At 5:35, I start screaming the Marimba version of Drag Me Down by One Direction into her ear. She likes to be up early so she can complain about how early she has to wake up and how tired she is. To wake her up some more, she gets on 2 of the 3 apps stored on me: Instagram and Twitter. She LOVES those... specifically so she can keep track of the 1D boys, which I too have grown to love. She might make me play some music for her while she gets ready, but nowadays it's usually on her tablet, and my good friend, named Alexis' Tablet. I call him... I don't really call him anything, there's no need for me to. If I need him I jsut say "Hey!" and he's there. Anyways! I go to school with Alexis, along with her iPod named Augustus. Augustus is a hoot, very young but very wise. Alexis uses me a lot throughout the day, especially now that One Direction's newest album just dropped on November 13, titled Made In The A.M. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/made-in-a.m.-deluxe-edition/id1040170924 For the most part, though, I tend to sit in her dark backpack, which kinda smells and is not very hospitable, but it's whatever. When we go home, we spend a lot of time together, too. She uses me to text her friends and stalk the 1D boys on an hourly basis. She goes between me and the tablet. Before long, it's late, and she makes me tell all her friends goodnight and sets an alarm on me so that I can scream into her ear again at 5:35 am.
My daily routine goes as follows:
At 5:35, I start screaming the Marimba version of Drag Me Down by One Direction into her ear. She likes to be up early so she can complain about how early she has to wake up and how tired she is. To wake her up some more, she gets on 2 of the 3 apps stored on me: Instagram and Twitter. She LOVES those... specifically so she can keep track of the 1D boys, which I too have grown to love. She might make me play some music for her while she gets ready, but nowadays it's usually on her tablet, and my good friend, named Alexis' Tablet. I call him... I don't really call him anything, there's no need for me to. If I need him I jsut say "Hey!" and he's there. Anyways! I go to school with Alexis, along with her iPod named Augustus. Augustus is a hoot, very young but very wise. Alexis uses me a lot throughout the day, especially now that One Direction's newest album just dropped on November 13, titled Made In The A.M. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/made-in-a.m.-deluxe-edition/id1040170924 For the most part, though, I tend to sit in her dark backpack, which kinda smells and is not very hospitable, but it's whatever. When we go home, we spend a lot of time together, too. She uses me to text her friends and stalk the 1D boys on an hourly basis. She goes between me and the tablet. Before long, it's late, and she makes me tell all her friends goodnight and sets an alarm on me so that I can scream into her ear again at 5:35 am.
Brave Little Toasters--Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer
The Oh-So-Humble Prius
I must say, the world is in quite disarray.
Of course, I exist to fix that but I can’t do everything myself. While I wait every day to show off my prowess in
the streets, I manage to flaunt my message to the sea of my inferior brethren that
I seem, on the surface, so alike. It’s not my glossy exterior or comfortable interior
that keeps me above the fray; it is much more internal and fundamental. Even
though my purpose is to improve the world, I am still very unique within my
community. Even though, I cost about $20 every month to sustain, I am still surrounded
by strangers. Even though I’m trying to save the world, I am still alone. I see
the worthy seldom and every day I fear I will drown in the ocean of the lesser.
Instead of acting on my superiority,
however, I stay subtle and modest. Since I am so widely recognized, I simply
spread my message through my appearance and what it represents. I am short and
dainty—part of what makes me so special—and exist to provide adventures safely
and in a way that doesn’t destroy the earth. Take, for example, the recent expedition
that I experienced. My owners took me, or rather I took my owners, through a
few states a couple days ago for reasons unknown to me. I was practically
abused and yet, I acted stalwartly by continuing to perform my purpose well
enough to please them. We hardly had to stop at all.
I’m not saying, obviously, that I am
perfect: nothing is perfect. But I am valuable and one of the best things out
there in my field of work. So I might not be the ultimate solution, but I come
pretty darn close.
*I, Lucy, would like to make it clear that my Prius' obnoxious, fictional opinions are not my own*
Brave Little Toaster - Lauren Spivey
I'm only seen once a year for the span of 2-3 months. I'm very happy with my appearance, people always seem to say such nice things about me. The only criticism would be that there's a lot of weight on me, everyone hangs random objects on me and my hands are full. At least I'm artificial so that way I can look forward to being seen each year and I don't have to worry about being thrown out on the cold, lonely, dirty street.
It seems that I symbolize something great. Every year once I am put up it means that Christmas is close and it's a time for celebration. Sometimes I get to hide presents and I love being able to see these hidden presents revealed to their owners because I know what it is, I've been protecting it and I'm finally able to give it to the rightful owner.
The saddest day is when I get taken down. All my lovely decorations get yanked off my fragile branches and my crown gets ripped from my head. I end up in a cardboard box and stuffed back in the attic until next November where I can see the light of day again and bask in the joy of the holiday season.
Brave Little Toasters- Braeden Bowen
My favorite inanimate object is my Nikon D3200 camera. We've been on many adventures together, but one could say that it has experienced the world through a different lens (oh, the puns) from me.
I chose to get a camera over a car for my 16th birthday. Believe it or not, that actually was a good decision, because I've used that camera more often than I could have imagined. About a month after I got it, though, I did something I hadn't done before: I actually left my backyard to go take pictures.
I'm sure that if it were alive, my camera would have been elated to finally get a chance to stop blinking at my neighbor's flowers. I drove to a pond out in the middle of nowhere (38.064447, -84.310890, to be precise) and spent a couple of hours photographing, well, everything.
This must have been a very different experience for my camera--new air, new atmosphere, wild plants instead of meticulously groomed ones- it was all so new, so different. Until then, the farthest the camera had ever traveled was the field next door to my house, and so another field miles away may as well have been a foreign nation.
The life of a camera is an unfortunately boring one. Being held up to objects and being poked until you blink can't be very fun no matter how interesting the thing you're looking at. Not to mention the fact that when something you're looking at is too far off, your face is removed and replaced with a longer one.
I'd like to think, though, that my camera enjoys the work it does. After all, it does produce some amazing images. Now, it travels everywhere: to school, to other random fields, and even as far as Atlanta, Georgia; perhaps I'll call this a reward for good behavior. My camera has recently started looking at things for a long time without blinking (film). I don't yet know if it enjoys that or not.
P.S. I don't actually personify my camera. The only time I talk to it is when I yell at it for being dumb.
I chose to get a camera over a car for my 16th birthday. Believe it or not, that actually was a good decision, because I've used that camera more often than I could have imagined. About a month after I got it, though, I did something I hadn't done before: I actually left my backyard to go take pictures.
I'm sure that if it were alive, my camera would have been elated to finally get a chance to stop blinking at my neighbor's flowers. I drove to a pond out in the middle of nowhere (38.064447, -84.310890, to be precise) and spent a couple of hours photographing, well, everything.
This must have been a very different experience for my camera--new air, new atmosphere, wild plants instead of meticulously groomed ones- it was all so new, so different. Until then, the farthest the camera had ever traveled was the field next door to my house, and so another field miles away may as well have been a foreign nation.
The life of a camera is an unfortunately boring one. Being held up to objects and being poked until you blink can't be very fun no matter how interesting the thing you're looking at. Not to mention the fact that when something you're looking at is too far off, your face is removed and replaced with a longer one.
I'd like to think, though, that my camera enjoys the work it does. After all, it does produce some amazing images. Now, it travels everywhere: to school, to other random fields, and even as far as Atlanta, Georgia; perhaps I'll call this a reward for good behavior. My camera has recently started looking at things for a long time without blinking (film). I don't yet know if it enjoys that or not.
P.S. I don't actually personify my camera. The only time I talk to it is when I yell at it for being dumb.
The Goldfish Gal by Brooks Spears
How well do I know my neighbor? "Well that's a dish best served cold," as my seat partner Ania, no Anya, would probably never say. I cannot express the joy I feel in English class next to Anya, except that it is better than the mundane, sub par dish of sarcasm the teachers of Henry Clay try to serve.
Sitting next to another person is always interesting, especially when they are Anya Slepyan. She's practically a cheat sheet for any vocab quiz (not that I would cheat, of course). As one of the most intelligible people I know, she can also be very energetic and eager to share the first thing that comes to her mind. There's nothing negative to say about the poncho-wearing Anya, except maybe her goldfish addiction, which could be absolved if she simply gave them all to me.
There are many ways to characterize Ms. Slepyan, but if I did so through a color, it would be light blue because she's calm yet energetic. and one of the smartest people around. In five years, I'd say she'll still be in college studying to be the president of the Universe or doing some smartsy, Anya stuff.
Sitting next to another person is always interesting, especially when they are Anya Slepyan. She's practically a cheat sheet for any vocab quiz (not that I would cheat, of course). As one of the most intelligible people I know, she can also be very energetic and eager to share the first thing that comes to her mind. There's nothing negative to say about the poncho-wearing Anya, except maybe her goldfish addiction, which could be absolved if she simply gave them all to me.
There are many ways to characterize Ms. Slepyan, but if I did so through a color, it would be light blue because she's calm yet energetic. and one of the smartest people around. In five years, I'd say she'll still be in college studying to be the president of the Universe or doing some smartsy, Anya stuff.
Do You Know Your Neighbor- Matthew Telfer
My seat partner in English is Kyle Wells. I didn't know Kyle all that well leading up to this year, and I still don't really know him that well now. But, he is a great seat partner. He's a nice guy and doesn't talk a whole lot so it's hard not to like him. He does have an affinity for cereal, and I haven't decided how I feel about it. Yes some types of cereal are good, but it is extremely unhealthy based on the amount he eats. The other thing I don't get is how he constantly eats it without milk!
I know Kyle is in band, so I assume he will pursue his love of music in the next five years. I see him being successful though, maybe taking on a managerial position at a cereal company in the future. He reminds me of a monkey for some reason. I'm sure monkeys like cereal, so it can't be too far fetched. Overall, Kyle is a nice guy who has a strong relationship with cereal, but, most importantly, is a great seat partner.
I know Kyle is in band, so I assume he will pursue his love of music in the next five years. I see him being successful though, maybe taking on a managerial position at a cereal company in the future. He reminds me of a monkey for some reason. I'm sure monkeys like cereal, so it can't be too far fetched. Overall, Kyle is a nice guy who has a strong relationship with cereal, but, most importantly, is a great seat partner.
Brave little Toasters - Spencer Parsons
Lightning McQueen, the fastest talking race car the world has ever seen. His friend, Tow Mater, has trouble comprehending certain things, but is always by Lightning's side. i am going to take you through a day in the life of Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater that isn't shown in the movie Cars.
it was early in the morning as Lightning was taking warmup laps around the dirt track just outside of radiator springs. Suddenly, Lightning heard an unusual sound coming from the bottom of a hill on the other side of the track. He went to look and he saw something that made him look twice. it was an unidentified spacecraft.
McQueen went back to town as fast as he could and woke Mater. Mater was asleep in his garage and was very flustered when McQueen came flying in screaming about a UFO. Mater thought that Lightning was crazy, but he went with him to check it out. They went to the track and noticed something crawling out of the spacecraft. It was a walking cheeseburger. It could talk and the talking cars couldn't believe that a food could talk! The cheeseburger slowly climbed up the hill, and walked past Mater and Lightning whistling a tune. He never even addressed them. So, the cars decided to follow the cheeseburger.
They walked for about 65 miles before coming across a trap door in the middle of the road that the cheeseburger went into as he was still whistling. Once they all got down there they found a party with all different kinds of objects who could speak, and they had a great time.
it was early in the morning as Lightning was taking warmup laps around the dirt track just outside of radiator springs. Suddenly, Lightning heard an unusual sound coming from the bottom of a hill on the other side of the track. He went to look and he saw something that made him look twice. it was an unidentified spacecraft.
McQueen went back to town as fast as he could and woke Mater. Mater was asleep in his garage and was very flustered when McQueen came flying in screaming about a UFO. Mater thought that Lightning was crazy, but he went with him to check it out. They went to the track and noticed something crawling out of the spacecraft. It was a walking cheeseburger. It could talk and the talking cars couldn't believe that a food could talk! The cheeseburger slowly climbed up the hill, and walked past Mater and Lightning whistling a tune. He never even addressed them. So, the cars decided to follow the cheeseburger.
They walked for about 65 miles before coming across a trap door in the middle of the road that the cheeseburger went into as he was still whistling. Once they all got down there they found a party with all different kinds of objects who could speak, and they had a great time.
Brave Little Toasters--Anya Slepyan
Ze year vas 1972. I vas born in a small city in the Soviet Union. My birthplace, an instrument factory, vas a model of ze industrialized mass production that vas ze pride of our society. For ze first veeks of my life I lived in a dark concrete room, but I vas in the company of hundreds of my kind. Ve vere all different colors--red, green, silver, blue--but vat ve all had in common vas ze label reading "Marinka Accordion."
Eventually my box vas picked up and loaded onto an rusting truck. I was dropped of at a ze back of an old brick building, vith a sign emblazoned "музыкальный магазин (Music Store)." I vas placed carefully on vooden shelf by bearded old man, ze shop's owner. Zere I sat for weeks, vaiting.
And vaiting.
More zan a month passed until finally a very skinny young man valked into ze store. He poked around ze tiny shop, investigating an old guitar, then a blemished trumpet, before finally turning to the shelf vere I sat alone.
He lifted me by my leather strap, and asked ze shop owner a question. I vas so excited to be held zat I did not pay attention to vat he said. Ze shop owner grunted and vent into ze back storeroom.
I panicked--vas zere something wrong? Vas he looking for a different color? Vould he put me back on ze shelf to vait for ze rest of ze century?
I vas in ze middle of my meltdown ven I realized ve vere moving. Ze young man looked around guiltily, to check zat ze store owner vas still in ze back, zen he ran out ze door, with me still in his arms.
I vas shocked. I had never experienced crime before (partially because I had only lived in a factory, a box, and a music store) but I knew zat it had been wrong for ze young man to take me vithout paying ze owner. And yet, I vas so happy to be outside and avay from my shelf zat it did not matter.
Ze next day ze man took me from my new spot on ze table in his tiny apartment and ve again vent outside. Zis time, ve walked up and down ze street, playing music. I realized it vas ze first time I had ever made noise, and it vas beautiful. Ze people on ze streets of Moscow must have thought ze same, because they smiled and gave us rubles venever zey passed us.
By ze time night fell ze young man's pockets vere full of coins, and he began to valk back to his house, still playing intricate melodies. Ven ve rounded a corner, ve saw ze music store from which I had been stolen only a day ago. It vas closed now, but still ze man frowned at it from across ze street. He stood still, thinking. Zen he slowly reached into his pockets and pulled out all of ze money zat we had earned today.
He turned suddenly and marched across ze street until ve got to ze doorstep of ze store. He set me down on ze cold concrete and looked around the empty street. Carefully, he pushed ze coins through ze crack in ze door until his pockets vere empty. Finally he stood up and pulled out a pen and paper, scribbled a short note, and shoved it under ze door. It fell on top of ze pile of coins, and I read it as ze man picked me up again and hurried avay.
It said "спасибо за маринка."
Thank you for the Marinka.
Brave Little Toasters - Elle Ogden
My life was wonderful for a few months. Just sitting on the shelf, people-watching, seeing all the little kids point out what they hoped Santa would bring them within the next few weeks. I'd heard stories of what it was like to be outside your box, and let me tell you, they were terrifying. I'd always heard that you wanted to go to the young, un-athletic ones because being forgotten about was better than the abuse you would succumb to if you were used everyday.
One day I was picked up by a rather tall boy, then I rode the little conveyer belt thing, was thrown in a bag, and felt the cool air through the holes in my box. I was then wrapped up in paper and sat down in some room for a few days. They were rather boring days, with nothing to look at but the dark walls of my paper. Then one morning, I was unwrapped to a teenage girl with lots of dogs around. One of which kept trying to bite me. All the humans thought it was so funny, but I was a little upset. Didn't they know to take care of me? No one at the store ever tried to bite me!
Ever since that day, I've been wishing I would have gone to one of those little chubby kids. I am beat up almost everyday. I've been kicked into the woods, smacked, punched, drop kicked, I've even been slammed up against a hard, white, metal post. I have a huge scar thats never been fixed, and I'm sure that theres only so much more beating I can take before I'll meet my grave.
For a few months I did get a break where I was put in a bag with a bunch of other friends and let me tell you, we had a great time. We would ride around in a car everyday, have run conversations, and play games while our owner was in school. We were then thrown into this dark room where we would only see the sunlight if someone came home or left. But now I am back to my abuse as my months of break are up. Sometimes I try to run away. I go as far away as I can and hide, in hopes that she'll just forget about me, but it never happens. She always finds me.
One day I was picked up by a rather tall boy, then I rode the little conveyer belt thing, was thrown in a bag, and felt the cool air through the holes in my box. I was then wrapped up in paper and sat down in some room for a few days. They were rather boring days, with nothing to look at but the dark walls of my paper. Then one morning, I was unwrapped to a teenage girl with lots of dogs around. One of which kept trying to bite me. All the humans thought it was so funny, but I was a little upset. Didn't they know to take care of me? No one at the store ever tried to bite me!
Ever since that day, I've been wishing I would have gone to one of those little chubby kids. I am beat up almost everyday. I've been kicked into the woods, smacked, punched, drop kicked, I've even been slammed up against a hard, white, metal post. I have a huge scar thats never been fixed, and I'm sure that theres only so much more beating I can take before I'll meet my grave.
For a few months I did get a break where I was put in a bag with a bunch of other friends and let me tell you, we had a great time. We would ride around in a car everyday, have run conversations, and play games while our owner was in school. We were then thrown into this dark room where we would only see the sunlight if someone came home or left. But now I am back to my abuse as my months of break are up. Sometimes I try to run away. I go as far away as I can and hide, in hopes that she'll just forget about me, but it never happens. She always finds me.
Assignment - Brave Little Toasters. Evan Hays, "The day of a bokken"
I am a simple thing.
As are all perceiving things.
I am a long, curved, piece of hickory wood stained in a dark brown.
As are my kin.
I am a "bokuto", the sword all samurai have when not using their steel, a training weapon, but nonetheless a weapon.
I know not why I am the extension of my master, but I am. It is cold today, and he has on his hoodie with the bear crest. He is already sweating, he must have just come from other training. Other physical meditation, the channeling of one's energy and fire through the world around them. The fists become weapons, clubs to beat back the world, the legs spears. Now, now I will give him his sword. Just as he channels his fury through his arms and into his hands, it now flows through me.
The cold is bitter, the sky gray.
I am drawn out, poised above the boy's head like a mighty tusk. Facing downwards, point to the target, forcing the enemy imagined into retreat and death.
Now in tandem, the master draws out my counterpart. Same size, same length, but a lighter shade of wood. Used in tandem we cut through swaths of hypothetical attacks.
We feel the energy channeled through us and the tension of strength. Mental meditation, relaxation in though. Physical meditation, relaxation in stress and torsion. Throwing muscles in pain, agony, and fury, and still remaining calm, precise, victorious.
I am a simple thing.
I have complicated actions.
As are all perceiving things.
I am a long, curved, piece of hickory wood stained in a dark brown.
As are my kin.
I am a "bokuto", the sword all samurai have when not using their steel, a training weapon, but nonetheless a weapon.
I know not why I am the extension of my master, but I am. It is cold today, and he has on his hoodie with the bear crest. He is already sweating, he must have just come from other training. Other physical meditation, the channeling of one's energy and fire through the world around them. The fists become weapons, clubs to beat back the world, the legs spears. Now, now I will give him his sword. Just as he channels his fury through his arms and into his hands, it now flows through me.
The cold is bitter, the sky gray.
I am drawn out, poised above the boy's head like a mighty tusk. Facing downwards, point to the target, forcing the enemy imagined into retreat and death.
Now in tandem, the master draws out my counterpart. Same size, same length, but a lighter shade of wood. Used in tandem we cut through swaths of hypothetical attacks.
We feel the energy channeled through us and the tension of strength. Mental meditation, relaxation in though. Physical meditation, relaxation in stress and torsion. Throwing muscles in pain, agony, and fury, and still remaining calm, precise, victorious.
I am a simple thing.
I have complicated actions.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Katie Demetriades Assignment 12: Brave Little Toaster
(Before I start, let me just say, I've thought about this kind of stuff before. For instance, I've imagined the objects in my room gathering together and conversing as I'm taking shower or while I'm at school.)
This is coming from my phone's point of view.
I was born sometime towards the end of 2014. My home was a tiny box, for quite some time. I had many brothers and sisters who looked a lot like me. We all had dreams, dreams of being loved and cared for. We were all so lonely in our boxes. We just wanted an escape, an escape from this cold, handless world...
Then something amazing happened. From California, I was sent to a new home, in Lexington, KY. I think the building was called Sprint...? I was there for a couple of weeks, when one day, this couple came in. They wanted to "purchase the new iPhone 6," whatever that means. Suddenly, a young man approached my box and put me on this counter. I had heard about what it was like to have an owner, but I never thought I would have the opportunity to have an owner. The same young man who placed me on the counter put me in a small plastic bag, and I was handed over to an older man. He made a remark that I will not forget, "My daughter is going to love this." That's when I knew: my life was finally beginning...
Well I sat in my box for a couple more weeks before my life really started. There was one instance where the woman pulled me out of the box so she could "set me up." But after that, the big day come. The first thing I saw when I came out of the box was a young woman. She was so excited to hold me in her hands. I was just as excited to finally have an owner. We connected so well, even though we had just met. I pictured our life together. It was going to be absolute bliss...
But then something happened. The touch I got from Katie (at least I think that's her name, she doesn't really talk to me much) stopped feeling so warm. I stopped wanting to be around her, she hurt me so bad. Literally. I can't tell you how many times she's dropped me. I have the scars to prove it. It's like she doesn't even care about my wellbeing, like I don't have feelings. It's like she doesn't even love me. But I give her everything! I provide her with everything she's ever wanted, and I don't even get a thank you! Instead, she just drains my precious energy dry for her useless antics. Day after day, I suffer under her stupid finger, as she practically punches me in the face. I just wonder when this nightmare will end...
This is coming from my phone's point of view.
I was born sometime towards the end of 2014. My home was a tiny box, for quite some time. I had many brothers and sisters who looked a lot like me. We all had dreams, dreams of being loved and cared for. We were all so lonely in our boxes. We just wanted an escape, an escape from this cold, handless world...
Then something amazing happened. From California, I was sent to a new home, in Lexington, KY. I think the building was called Sprint...? I was there for a couple of weeks, when one day, this couple came in. They wanted to "purchase the new iPhone 6," whatever that means. Suddenly, a young man approached my box and put me on this counter. I had heard about what it was like to have an owner, but I never thought I would have the opportunity to have an owner. The same young man who placed me on the counter put me in a small plastic bag, and I was handed over to an older man. He made a remark that I will not forget, "My daughter is going to love this." That's when I knew: my life was finally beginning...
Well I sat in my box for a couple more weeks before my life really started. There was one instance where the woman pulled me out of the box so she could "set me up." But after that, the big day come. The first thing I saw when I came out of the box was a young woman. She was so excited to hold me in her hands. I was just as excited to finally have an owner. We connected so well, even though we had just met. I pictured our life together. It was going to be absolute bliss...
But then something happened. The touch I got from Katie (at least I think that's her name, she doesn't really talk to me much) stopped feeling so warm. I stopped wanting to be around her, she hurt me so bad. Literally. I can't tell you how many times she's dropped me. I have the scars to prove it. It's like she doesn't even care about my wellbeing, like I don't have feelings. It's like she doesn't even love me. But I give her everything! I provide her with everything she's ever wanted, and I don't even get a thank you! Instead, she just drains my precious energy dry for her useless antics. Day after day, I suffer under her stupid finger, as she practically punches me in the face. I just wonder when this nightmare will end...
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Do You Know Your Neighbor? Jordan Strange
Ever day I look forward to English, and this is mostly because of the one and only middle table. These folks just brighten my day. From our mini tortilla chip parties to whatever else happens in that class, the middle table is always an adventure. Matt hates tortilla chips, or us, or both, and Kyle's in band and loves cereal. The next two pretty little ladies to my left and right are quite entertaining. I didn't really know either of them too well before this year. A class here and there with both of them, but never enough to get to know them. Catherine plays soccer, and loves traveling. She has a passion for living and wants to see what the world has to offer. She's super fun to sit by and she makes me laugh with her witty comments and her positive attitude. She would be a green. A pretty grass green. She lives with intentionality. And she's super smart and lives with a solid purpose. In 5 years, I see Catherine either traveling the world for who knows what reasons, or doing whatever else Catherine may find fit for her life. She's super chill and I'm glad she's part of the middle table. :)
And now the super fantastic Lucy Whitman-Sandmeyer. (I hope that's how you spell that). She loves traveling, too. And she grew up traveling all over the place. It's pretty awesome to here about all the places she's been, so if you don't know about them, you should ask. Lucy is also REALLY smart. She likes books and is also a lot better at Spanish that I, so thanks to her for helping me with Spanish. And she's also good at writing. She's good at a lot of stuff, ya know. She'd be a super rad blue color. Like a vibrant blue. Real chill, too. She's just got a whole lot ahead of her, so in five years, I see her doing something really cool. I don't know what really cool looks like, but she has strong ambitions, and she'll chase her dreams, whatever they may be.
I have no complaints about the middle table. My neighbors are wonderful:)
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