Sunday, November 29, 2015

Changes! Spencer Parsons

Think about someone who is considered obese. D you think they like being that way? would you like being that way? Is it their fault they are that way? Wether you think so or not, there is a solution to cutting down the pounds in America. Every great achievement comes at a great cost and completely omitting obesity in today's America, is quite a lofty goal.
Picture this. You see a man every morning when you exit your apartment building on your way to work. He is over 400 pounds and you know this because im making this story up. But, for some reason he starts moving a lot slower every day on his way to work though to you it looks like his legs are moving faster. He is on the other side of the street so you dont bother to go over and check it out. After a few weeks, the man looks frustrated every morning as he struggles to move on the sidewalk, but you have noticed that he has lost some serious poundage.
the next morning, you realize that it also took you a much longer amount of time than usual to get to work even though you feel like you are moving faster. Everyone has noticed this phenomenon, but no one seems to mind because fat people are no longer fat.
You wanna know why? Because the government turned all sidewalks into treadmills. Brilliant.
Another way to prevent obesity is to poison food, or stop selling it all together.

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