Sunday, November 8, 2015

Do you know your neighbor? - Spencer Parsons

I sit next to Elle Ogden. Oooooo boy do Elle and I go way back. We were born in the exact same year! We are practically twins. Joking aside, I trust Elle. I know she would never go behind anyone's back because she is an honest person. This also means she is honest with you when you are wrong which is a sincere compliment because people respect honesty. Im glad she respects my jokes because I think they are pretty dumb. Usually only Evan laughs at stuff I say, but he laughs at everything.
I know for a fact that if we needed to elect a leader in our english class to organize any sort of assignment, class project, or class event, that she would be elected. She is very good at leading people without being overpowering which is a real skill.
For a color, Elle would be blue. I say this because I know she is an exceptional soccer player, and I put the color blue with athletes because Kentucky's team color is blue. One time Elle was drinking water out of a giant jug that the seniors made for her on the soccer team and it was covered in glitter. I walked around the rest of the day with glitter all over my backpack and I got a ton of compliments.
Because Elle is good at communicating ideas and hard-working, I can see her excelling at a very prestigious school, and being in charge of a club that she invented. I could also see her playing soccer in college because from what I hear she is pretty darn good.

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