Sunday, November 29, 2015

BOO - Kyle W

Zombies are cool so of course I’m going to pick the prompt on zombies, I am a huge TWD fan so yes I have thought about this before and no, it’s not weird. Who hasn’t?

Honestly I think if there was to be a zombie apocalypse I think I would do better than a lot of people. I don’t want to say most because some people could survive really well from experience hunting or in the army or maybe they were just prepared for the apocalypse. But anyway, if there was to be a zombie apocalypse the first thing I would do I suppose I would gather as many supplies as I could and try to reach a few friends, assemble a group and head somewhere that would make a safe hideout. It would be good to stay out of the way for the first few days or weeks so that the world wasn’t quite as hectic as it was in the beginning. Then our group should begin to fortify our new home and go on scavenging runs to find more supplies and ammo. We would accept new people who we felt we could trust and tell those who we didn’t good luck. After enough expansion in our group we would need a sort of government such as a council to decide where we go in the future and we would live out our days trying to survive and rebuild. 

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