Sunday, November 29, 2015

Flying Turkeys-Matthew Telfer

Thanksgiving is undeniably the greatest holiday. The ultimate combination of food, football and family is too great to ignore. After you're finished eating that second helping of pumpkin pie, you get to relax and watch while your favorite NFL team gets the stuffing beat out of them. Yep, the Cowboys lost another one on Thanksgiving. The Panthers showed them who was boss. Tony Romo also reinjured his collarbone in the loss, so he is out for the season!

I'll get back to why Thanksgiving isn't all that bad. My fondest memory of Thanksgiving was the year it fell on my birthday. I understand why people hate their birthdays because it occurs on the same day as Christmas and their presents may overlap. Yet, thanksgiving is ideal because there is no controversy with presents. I remember opening up presents after dinner and then watching football the rest of the day.

Another great part about Thanksgiving is being able to spend time with family. Being able to spend catching up with your relatives is always interesting. Overall, Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday even when the Cowboys lose.

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