Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Demockery" Satirical Piece - Evan Hays

Picture this, you are sitting at home, ruminating on the state of the political system and thinking "gee, I sure could solve all those problems if I just had the power..."

Well worry no longer, now you can have all of the congressional power of your representative, without even running for office!

Introducing the new and improved "Rentocrats" and "Rentpublicans"! Your one stop solution for all of the political woes of this country. For just the small fee of one campaign contribution an election you can personally rent your congressmen to represent you and only you to their maximum potential. Who needs those pesky elections, don't get up and vote when you can spend, spend, spend; and win, win, win! After all, as a member of the people in this country it's only democratic, right? Regardless of creed, color, or moral code our Rentresentatives will broadcast your views as loud as you pay them too.  Make sure you are the most equally represented man (or woman) in this country.

And if you and your buddy are both in the same line of thought, try our new "oligarchy pack."  Just get one person to buy a politician from the opposing party, and you get 50% off of future rentals. Twice the parties, twice the fun, half the debate. You can even have them debate each other on national television for hours on end and achieve absolutely nothing! They stay in power, they stay payed, and you stay entertained and comfortable!

Order now in time for the 2016 election and...
Wait... what?
We are being taken off air?
But why?
What do you mean the CEO of Fox News and CNN are refusing to air our piece?
Don't they know it's all a joke?

"He who jokes confesses, and no sinner is safe from his own confession"

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