Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me - Kyle W

Fears: spiders, heights, clowns are creepy too
Annoyances: rude people, stupid people, cocky people
Accomplishments: I’m pretty good at trumpet? Finding enough motivation for school? Keeping a job as well?
Confusions: people
Sorrows: school, friendships
Dreams: go places, do things, be somebody
Idiosyncrasies: band maybe? Not sure about this exactly
Risks: not quite sure?
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: whenever then and now is? Then- books, friends, trumpet. Now- the same
Problems: organization, too much sarcasm at times (comes off as rude), motivation

If someone were to ask me what annoys me the most my answer would be people. I hate them. I don’t understand them.

I am one… and yet there is only a select few people I know that I would say that I enjoy. Most others I could most certainly do without. Now that may seem a bit cynical but hey, that’s me for you. People just annoy me. Most of them are either too rude, or too stupid, or too greedy and self-conceited, or too stupid, or nothing really, they’re just annoying. Simple as that. Now while I don’t enjoy most people there are some that I really do like and get along with very well. Just about all of which I know through band. Even some of them I could do without though. Which may explain why I don’t really have many friends. I wouldn’t say I have no friends, I just don’t think that I need many as long as the ones I have are good ones. And even they can get annoying sometimes. So while the most annoying thing to a lot of people may be the sun in their eyes, the smell of something strange, a pesky beeping sound, a specific person, or even just the way something looks. To me it’s people overall and just in general. 

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