Monday, November 23, 2015

Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys

The stock image of Thanksgiving involves a lot of people around a nicely decorated table with a large turkey and a ridiculous amount of extra food. This image doesn't always depict the reality of the holiday though.

What does your Thanksgiving look like? Do you enjoy the holiday? What is your strangest or most wonderful memory of the holiday?


What are some of your family traditions?

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 29th at 11:59 pm

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving in my family can only be decribed in one word; Hectic. The day starts early with me and my sister cooking... and last all day. The amount of food we make is enough to feed an army, and the pile of leftover we have could almost be its own army. somewhere between 20-25 people will all shove into a very small house, where they will proceed to eat, take a 5 minute breather and then leave. The days excitement usually comes from the appearance of one of the scarce babied in the family or the annual food fight, aka my sister getting mashed potatoes or corn pudding in my nose and in my hair. I spend the day cooking, which I am alright with because I love cooking and its what I want to pursue as a career. Overall my thanksgivings are crazy, but I love them.


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