Sunday, November 1, 2015

Assignment 8 Elana Ehl

Fears: Being forgotten by someone, physically or mentally.
Annoyances: Rude people and  stuck up/ fake people.
Accomplishments: Being someone who people turn to for comfort, being an encouraging teammate.
Confusions: Why people are so opinionated that they cannot compromise.
Sorrows: Not being super social 
Dreams: Diving on scholarship for Auburn, own a bookstore, become a nurse practitioner in the ER
Idiosyncrasies: Geeky, Introvert (with extroverted tendencies) , determined
Risks: taking AP Chemistry, putting all of my time into diving
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: My mom's ring she gave to me for Christmas, family, my book collection, and my computer!
Problems: competitive, hard on myself

Never in my life have I ever been super social, which in a way has lead to me being so geeky. In middle school I had a group of friends who were not big on going to parties or hanging out a lot in large groups outside of school, or at all really. It was hard for me to branch off and hang out with the more social people, in part because when there are 57 kids in one grade you have set cliques and you stick to those cliques, no questions. 
I did nothing to help myself become more social when I decided in seventh grade to start diving four days a week, which left me exhausted on the weekends. Now the only break I get is on Saturdays which many people would think: okay its the middle of the weekend and people are still going out and having fun, go join them. Unfortunately that is not the case on Saturdays and Sunday mornings I work. I keep trying to tell myself that it will be okay because in college you can get a fresh start and become this social butterfly, but I also keep ignoring the fact that if i do what I want in college, which is dive, it will take up more time than it already does.
I fear that this is a battle that I will be having my entire life- to be social, or not to be social.

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