Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Assignment #9 What is it good for? Kyree Carpenter

War can be defined as, nevertheless, societal conflict. Sometimes, war is inevitable. While others, it is unjust or unnecessary. War is just, in my opinion, when a country has a good reason for declaring it. For example, in the instance of World War 2, the globe was impacted by this war to stop the spread of German power in Europe and the world because of German irrationality and their genocidal thoughts. Another example of a justified war was the American Civil War. The North fought the South in attempts to stop the expansion of slavery, and also to keep all the states as part of the Union. The South, being heavily dependent on slavery, seceded from America in attempts to preserve its immoral labor system. This in my opinion is a good reason to go to war, even though death rates would rise extremely high. 

Countries have the responsibility to go to war when it is absolutely necessary for their own protection of its citizens. While peace should be the first option, sometimes war is inevitable because of very different opinions. Peace will always be more effective than war, so that people are not killed. Nonviolence is always better than warfare, in any case.

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