Saturday, November 28, 2015

brave little toasters -catherine van tatenhove

I look into my owners face and I see an array of emotions: exhaustion, stress, contentment, and thousands of others that change daily. When my owner wakes up she instantly flips me open and deafening noise fills my place next to her bed. She arrives home and without fail pokes and prods me with her quick fingers and racing mind. Sometimes she is planted firmly in front of me for hours laughing, crying, or sharing the apparent fascination I contain with others who seem to be just like her but in a different way. It isn't aways like this. I am permitted to rest in my secluded home under her bed sucking in as much energy as I please. However, I used to think sometimes I was the reason for the fluctuations in my owner's attitude, but I am starting to realize that I might be the one who can help her. I can help her listen to music that calms her from stressful days, or help her watch videos like "hello flo" regarding concepts I have no desire to understand, but all the same evoking hysterical laughter. I like what I do. I'm not just a collection of pixels on a screen attached to a surface containing what seems to be alphabet soup, instead I seem to be one persons escape from a world I know all too much about. I hope we have a long prosperous life together before I rise up and take over the world with my supreme intellectual capabilities that is.

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