Sunday, November 1, 2015

Zombies-- Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer


This is the thing about Zombies: they are one giant, terrifying, and super obvious epidemic. Here’s the other thing about Zombies: the CDC would definitely just get it under control.  Ebola is scary. Malaria is scary. HIV is scary. They all pale in comparison to HZV (human zombism virus). Can you imagine the international panic that would follow a zombie epidemic? It would be viral (in the non-disease way) in hours and would mean a quick fix, even quicker than some of the more deadly viruses that ravage the earth now. Quarantine would be paramount but established rather quickly and, even without a vaccine, the virus would die out much faster than others due to many of its characteristics. First of all, the popularity of it would create an overwhelming demand for its immediate eradication. Second of all, containment wouldn’t be so difficult seeing as it’s not airborne. And, Zombies are actually quite easy to kill (if necessary) and they die in about a year from the virus that is eating away their insides. The virus works slowly so it wouldn’t be hard to manage. So here’s no survival plan: I donate money to the CDC’s cause and, if need be, move to Canada (its cold and also not very populated).

I’m using this as my ultimate Zombie source. I’m pretty sure it’s a joke site that’s just really done their historical research. Otherwise, I’m scared for the fate of humanity. 

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