Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Changes- Anya Slepyan

As Americans, we know that the best qualities of our country are freedom and freedom. One of the most important rights we, as Americans, have is the freedom to deny human rights to other people. We have a long and illustrious history of doing exactly that. From slavery to the Trail of Tears, and from Jim Crow to Japanese internment camps, we have always taken our role as the World Defenders of Freedom and Justice and Freedom seriously, within our country and throughout the world.

Right now, America is in crisis. Social and racial justice in our country is now at the forefront of political debates. The liberal propaganda machine treats illegal immigrants like people, instead of the violent criminals that most of them probably are. Women have the audacity to claim rights to their own bodies, and homosexuals are undermining the institution of marriage. Even our proud southern flag, (the one that represents a rebellion against the United States for the purpose of continuing the institution of slavery and honoring the ideals of white supremacy) has been gradually disappearing from its rightful place atop government buildings. Our God-given right to posses semi-automatic killing machines is being challenged, and every day the Christian, Anglo-Saxon values of our founding fathers are being threatened.

America needs new leadership to usher in an era of change, growth, and freedom. And we all know there are only two men for the job. That is why I plan to vote for a ticket of Donald Trump and Ben Carson for co-presidents come next November. With such extensive political and governmental experience, elaborate foreign policy knowledge, diplomatic skills, honesty rivaling that of Abraham Lincoln's, and winning personalities, there are no two people better suited for the highest office in America.

We are at a crossroads. I can only hope that you, my fellow Americans, are willing to do what needs to be done to reclaim America for the 1%, the most oppressed minority of all. Freedom is a limited resource; there simply isn't enough to go around to every person in the world, or even America. Vote Donald Trump and Ben Carson to make sure that in 2016, the right people get it.

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