Sunday, November 15, 2015

Brave little Toasters - Spencer Parsons

Lightning McQueen, the fastest talking race car the world has ever seen. His friend, Tow Mater, has trouble comprehending certain things, but is always by Lightning's side. i am going to take you through a day in the life of Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater that isn't shown in the movie Cars.
it was early in the morning as Lightning was taking warmup laps around the dirt track just outside of radiator springs. Suddenly, Lightning heard an unusual sound coming from the bottom of a hill on the other side of the track. He went to look and he saw something that made him look twice. it was an unidentified spacecraft.
McQueen went back to town as fast as he could and woke Mater. Mater was asleep in his garage and was very flustered when McQueen came flying in screaming about a UFO. Mater thought that Lightning was crazy, but he went with him to check it out. They went to the track and noticed something crawling out of the spacecraft. It was a walking cheeseburger. It could talk and the talking cars couldn't believe that a food could talk! The cheeseburger slowly climbed up the hill, and walked past Mater and Lightning whistling a tune. He never even addressed them. So, the cars decided to follow the cheeseburger.
They walked for about 65 miles before coming across a trap door in the middle of the road that the cheeseburger went into as he was still whistling. Once they all got down there they found a party with all different kinds of objects who could speak, and they had a great time.

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