Sunday, December 6, 2015

A world in picture: Morgan Lakofka


American journalist, James Foley was abducted in Syria, and killed in retaliation for the American air strikes against its fighters in Iraq on August 19, 2014. An Islamist website broadcasted a graphic video showing a masked person beheading the journalist. Foley delivers a statement condemning U.S. action in Iraq and says that the U.S. government is his “real killers.” Seconds later, the figure dressed in black brandishes a knife and identifies himself as with the Islamic State and declared himself the leader of all Muslims. He delivered the message, “Today your military air force has attacked us daily… Your strikes have caused casualties amongst Muslims,” then addressed President Obama directly, saying “any attempt… to deny the Muslims their right to live in safety under the Islamic caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people.” Foley is then killed. The video continues, showing American Steven Sotloff, also dressed in orange and on his knees. “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision,” the figure in black says. 

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