Saturday, December 5, 2015

Assignment 9: What is it good for? (Tyler Gorman)

I don't think war is ever necessary to solve a dispute. Ever. No issue at all is worth shedding that much blood over. I do, however, think that it's inevitable for us as humans and I don't think it will ever be eradicated totally.
To explain my point it would be easiest to explore exactly why wars happen. Well, wars in history have happened for a number of reasons, but the main reason is always the same: two (or more) parties each want something that the other doesn't want. Now, if humans were smart or cared at all about one another, they would do whatever was necessary to preserve peace. While some people are like this, these are politicians we're talking about, who have a pretty bloody history of not giving a crap about others. Occasionally they'll make a half-hearted attempt to compromise with the other side, but when that doesn't work they immediately turn to violence. Because deep down, they don't care about the other side. They only care about themselves. As long as these people are allowed to be in power, war will continue to exist and be an inevitability, even though it's far from necessary.

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