Monday, December 7, 2015

Assignment 9: What is it good for? Tyler Rosenkrantz

I believe that there is a time for war. I think that if that if your country is attacked, on purpose, with the intention to do bad then you should strike back in all out war. Or, if a terrorist group from the middle east (perhaps ISIS maybe) kidnaps American reporters and freaking beheads them, then you should blow them up. Blow their entire country up, track all of them down and kill them. Not even the smallest act of terrorism should be allowed. And I'm not necessarily a proponent of war, but sometimes its necessary, and if done right, it works! Most alternatives to war don't work. If a country is reasonable peace treaties can work, but more often than not result in not. I believe the world is in a very bad place and if things don't change we will see WWIII within our lifetime.

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