Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Telivision, Good or Bad? Evan Hays

Television is something that has mixed influence on my history.
On one hand I'd say roughly 40% of everything I've ever learned has come from Mythbusters, Man v. Wild, and Dirty Job. Not to mention the huge amount of references I can now understand because of archaic movies on television. I would even go to say that Television has enriched me as a person, my favorite show is Seinfeld.

That said, like any good cut of meat, any jog, or a warm cup of coffee,
too much becomes fatal.

I feel that this generation has been compromised by television in two major ways. For one its monopolized the time seemingly anyone can spend on anything. When I begin an activity I work on it for as long as it takes to finish it, if that keeps me up until the following morning then so be it. But if at every 8:30 pm on Wednesdays you have to catch your show, this inherently interrupts focus. The second major detriment is a cultural one. In a world of big budget triple A TV shows, its easy to grow dependent on a character or story arc. The very fact that "post-show depression" is now a categorized psychological disorder scares me. People must differentiate between life and fiction, lest they become too interchangeable.

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