Sunday, December 6, 2015

Assignment 13: Changes! (Tyler Gorman)

New Constitutional Amendment Ratified: Age Restriction On Congress

President Obama released a statement on Sunday in response to the news that the 28th Amendment to the Constitution--stating that no person older than 30 should participate in Congress--has just been passed.
"I think the most recent sessions of Congress have proven," the president explained as angry congressmen led by Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stormed the White House and demanded an explanation, "how ineffective our two-party system has become. I personally think this is because many congressmen have been serving so long that they've fallen out of touch with what is really best for America. Young people are the future of this country; they should get to decide what to do with it."
The new amendment has called into question the legitimacy of previous generations' say in government in an ever-evolving country, and has led to talk of restricting voting rights to persons ages 8-25.
"This is awesome," a sixteen-year-old Senate candidate told interviewers. "Imagine what colleges will think when they see that I ran for Congress!"
Since the announcement of the amendment Congress has passed more laws than in the last five years combined, hoping that it will convince President Obama to veto the amendment, assuming it isn't already too late to do so.

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