Monday, December 7, 2015

Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys Tyler Rosenkrantz

Thanksgiving is the best! SO MUCH FOOD!!
For most holidays we travel to my grandma's house. She lives in northern kentucky, about an hour away from here. The majority of our family lines live here and often all gather here for the big holidays like thanksgiving and christmas. My grandma is the very best cook in the world, no arguements. However, she does do silly things sometimes...
Alot of the times when we spend the night at my grandmas one of the breakfasts that she makes is cheese danish, which is phenomenal! Anyway, we wake up to the smell of it cooking, but something is off, it smells both garlicly and sweet, and upon tasting it, it was! Turns out my grandma made it with garlic crescent rolls, which none of us even knew existed! It was hilarious, she was so upset. My dad and sister still ate it. XD
this is definitely one of my top holiday memories and will remember it for a long time.

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