Sunday, December 6, 2015

changes - Grae Chambers

The wise Shakespeare said " The fault is not within our stars, but in ourselves." Shakespeare is wrong. We now know in 2015, that the past should be left in the past, especially that selfie you took in the 8th grade, so why are we still listening to Shakespeare anyways. As mere mortals, we can't possibly have the power to control or predict our own lives. Thats we can view our daily horoscope printed out in every magazine on every check out isle in every store in america. How else are we supposed to know who to avoid for an entire week. As a Sagittarius, I know better than to try and make a business arrangement with a Virgo on the week of the 6th. The perfect alignment of Jupiter and the big dipper obviously calls for deep trouble for Leo's this entire month, so its better to stay indoors. Imagine what would happen if you ignored your horoscope. Anarchy, thats what. If a gemini and a taurus tried to make a romantic connection, a bakery would probably catch on fire or something. Horoscopes are created by astronimologists, so they are 100% accurate. Horoscopes are also a great predictor of your distant future. If you're a sagittarius you should marry a scorpio, and each of your children will be a pices and grow up to be lawyers, doctors, and sanitation experts respectively. Our society now a days is plagues by so called "hipsters" who enjoy deviating from the norm. But be warned, you can't escape your horoscope. You'll follow it even if you know it or not. If you've ever been compelled to go to a carnival, you should no that its the allignment of venus and mars that put you there, I promise. So next time you want to go about all willy nilly, don't forget the consequences of ignoring your 'scope.

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