Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Assignment 15:Covergirl - Evan Hays

For this blog I will be answering the "Mental Yoga" prompt from blog 6, in which I must find out something that is impossible to describe, like color.

I don't think anyone can truly describe an emotion. One of the core emotions like fear or anger or love or happiness. These things are generated in different experiences for different people. And since, like Sarte said we can only hope to truly ever know ourselves and nobody else, in the same sense, we can only know our own happiness. The same warmth you feel in your chest when you are with the people you love may manifest into a hot rage when I see the same person. Since nobody feels the same way at the same time for the same thing, its impossible to tell if the feelings are actually the same. How can I tell if my feelings of cold fear match yours.

Much like how we could each be seeing different colors and all calling them the same thing, we may each feel entirely different and simply bridge the animosity with common terms. It paints a very lonely picture in where no person truly understands how another person feels, from the cold war tension to the girl you like giving you the silent treatment. Everything seems fine, and that's why we know its not.

But who cares anyways

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