Monday, December 7, 2015

Assignment 15: Covergirl (Done in replacement of assignment 13) Tyler Rosenkrantz

First off, i like Mr. logsdons punny way of titling this post. Kudos to you sir.
Anyway, the prompt that i will be writing about is the ever famous quarrel between DC and Marvel. Which one is better? What do u prefer?
Personally, i am a DC guy. I grew up with all of the ionic DC heroes and have loved them sense. DC has all of the classics. I mean come on, who can top superman?! Not a lot, that's for sure.
I believe that DC has better characters, or atleast more popular/ recognizable, however Marvel has done much better from an entertainmant standpoint. There are TONS of marvel movies and more continously coming out, there are a ton of DC movies, maybe a couple, once a year if youre lucky. I think that if DC modernized their classic characters the way Marvel has then DC would have this in a landslide. I will give credit where credit is due though. Marvel has some awesome characters. I mean what isn't fantastic about iron man? He made that! And there could not have been a better casting for iron man than robert downey jr., im very happy with that decision.

Yes i know, I'm a nerd, but hopefully you enjoyed my take on Marvel and DC and i would like to hear yours, i hope you enjoyed my blog. I'm off to bed to dream about being superman. :)

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