Sunday, December 6, 2015

Assignment 13: Elana Ehl

Antibiotics everywhere. Just imagine it. Everything clean and orderly. No diseases because the antibiotic would kill them all. The solution to every problem in the world is more antibiotics.

Once all of the diseases are gone because antibiotics are used for everything scientific researchers can focus on more important things like who has the better sports car instead of wasting their time on finding new antibiotics because all diseases will be gone!

There will be no point arguing over whether vaccines will be necessary because if we put antibiotics in our food and cleaning products and in everything else all the germs will be dead so there will be no need to fight against them. The stories you hear about super viruses caused by overuse of antibiotics are jus groups filled with hippies that are all about saving the environment wanting you to stay away from antibiotics because they symbolize large corporations taking over.

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