Sunday, December 6, 2015

For the Love and Hate of Television- Emily Spivey

The glory of television. Growing up all I ever did was sit two feet infront of the tv and just stare. For hours. Which could explain a lot...
As of now I don't watch much television. The only show that I keep up with is Scandal (a fantastic show that anyone reading this NEEDS to watch). My school work and my job give me little free time and I'd rather spend it on Instagram or Twitter. 
I think that live television is out of date now. These past years it's all been about dvr or Netflix or on demand. People are just too busy now-a-days to be home in time for their favorite show. And why would you want to watch it live when you can watch it over and over again when ever you want? 
Television is also good for when you are upset. Keeping up with the Kardashians or my strange addiction could be on and then you realize that hey, your life isn't that bad. 

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