Sunday, December 6, 2015

Covergirl - Rachel Bragg

I am going to answer this prompt "What is your favorite Harry Potter book? If you have not read them, what is your favorite movie? And why do you think it is your favorite?"  from my create your own adventure post, because I attempted to write a satire, and I was not very good at it. So I hope you enjoy this one instead.

I am currently reading the book series Harry Potter, but since junior year is insane, I haven't gotten very far. I just started the second book. I really enjoyed the first one, and I can't wait to read the others, I just simply don't have time at this point in time to dedicate myself to the series. So my favorite book has to be the first one, since it is the only one I have read.

My favorite movie is a different answer though. I haven't watched them in quite a while, but I remember being quite fond of the 6th one, The Half-Blood Prince. I don't remember why, but I think it had something to do with how much I ship Ron and Hermione.

I really enjoy this series, and I am a bit late on this whole trend but I didn't enjoy reading much as a child. If someone told me I should read something like Harry Potter I probably would have laughed at them and said no.

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