Saturday, December 5, 2015

Assignment 10: BOO (Tyler Gorman)

Zombies have attacked. What do I do?
First I call everyone that matters to me the most: my family and closest friends. I call three times, once per day for the first three days, and if they don't answer any of them then I assume they're dead.
Depending on where I am my options for a weapon vary: If I'm at my house or within walking distance (10ish miles) I go home and retrieve my knife collection and the katana on display in my bedroom. It isn't sharp, but that can be fixed easily with a hard enough rock. If I'm not home I find the nearest pawn shop or Wal-Mart and grab the biggest, badassest-looking gun I can find and all the necessary ammunition to last me however long I think I'll last.
The safest holdout I can think of (that's near enough to where I live for me to walk) would probably be Henry Clay High School. With enough desks, chairs, and filing cabinets I can seal off all the entrances before proceeding to clear the school of zombies and search for other survivors. I can also notify my remaining family and friends where I am and let them in should they show up.
For food I'd have to figure out how to work the kitchen equipment, which hopefully wouldn't be terribly difficult. While cafeteria food does taste like cardboard, at least it's edible. I could also break open the vending machines and occasionally treat myself to a bag of chips or a soda. After they run out I'd have to go out on scavenging trips to Walgreens or Fazolis for food.
If zombies were to break into the school I'd like to say my ability to escape would be high; with how many doors there are into the school I'd surely be able to find one that wasn't obstructed from the outside by the living dead and remove the barricade I'd constructed in order to get out alive.

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